roy - yes that's true,

    ES system closed out today

    Posted by matt on 24th of Jul 2014 at 01:16 pm

    roy - yes that's true, there are restrictions for some folks outside of the US, however you live in the US so not a problem for you.  Otherwise I have other options in the works for the future; 1. I could setup a service with AMP futures, I don't think there's an issue there.  2. I have some plans for a possible hedge fund down the road that folks could just put money into, but of course that will cost $50K in fees to setup with lawyers and legal crap etc, so not in too much of a hurry for that.  3. There's an RIA registered investment advisory account setup with TS, however would only accept accounts of 100K or larger to make it worth it

    Matt, If you could set

    Posted by junkie on 24th of Jul 2014 at 01:51 pm

    Matt, If you could set up a bridge with a UK or Canadian broker to execute trades automatically, that would work for most.


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