I think I hear the

    Posted by jroger on 26th of Mar 2013 at 03:44 pm

    I think I hear the fat lady warming up in her dressing room.

    Although since Punxsutawney Phil was brought up on charges for incorrectly predicting an early spring, the fat lady my be unwilling to risk singing. Those lawyers just ruin everything.


    Posted by steve on 26th of Mar 2013 at 03:54 pm


    Full Moon

    Posted by lamb on 26th of Mar 2013 at 05:16 pm

    When is she due?

    lamb- full moon is tomorrow

    Posted by matt on 26th of Mar 2013 at 08:12 pm

    lamb- full moon is tomorrow

    thanks Matt

    Posted by lamb on 27th of Mar 2013 at 09:21 am

    Welcome full moon!!

    political correctness

    Posted by hazbin1 on 27th of Mar 2013 at 08:19 am

    since this is a 'family website' please note the formerly  'fat lady' would prefer to be called 'horizontally challenged' woman of leisure. Foot in mouth and mayber her 'howling' will be a day early?


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