Just heard Congress is not in session on Monday.  If the fiscal cliff matters at all to the markets, they have 4 days left this year to deal with it (not sure why they take off Dec 17-21 thought).  And I thought I was a procrastinator!!!!  These people are brutal!


    EU can stop the clock

    Posted by lebow on 9th of Dec 2012 at 08:22 am

    Better or worse but the EU top has the mandate to stop the clock when they cannot reach an agreement. Nice and effective method. In US it would perhaps be possibly to reach an agreement that they have not met an agreement - but will have a schedule to do that in January. In the meantime all Fiscal Cliff effects may be postponed.


    i think you mean 24

    Posted by himsa on 7th of Dec 2012 at 09:47 pm

    i think you mean 24

    Yeah top hat alluded to

    Posted by kalinm on 8th of Dec 2012 at 02:26 pm

    Yeah top hat alluded to the 4 days of scheduled congress, but they can schedule more days and I'm sure they will have to.


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