Posted by cmunny on 30th of Jul 2012 at 12:52 pm

    Here's a comparison chart of my "proprietary" 5 component basket of gold leaders vs. GDX.   About 23% for the basket from May 16 lows to today  vs. about 10% for GDX.   This includes big hit on Semafo after earnings call (just a chance for banks to cover shorts and go long as with all these "disappointments" we're seeing in the sector). 

    I've also followed 3, 4 silvers AG,  EXK, SLW, and HL ... they are up around 21% vs. 10% vs. GDX.

    Others that should be considered in with these would be  FNV (franco nevada) and MVG (mag silver).

    The GDXJ is widely dispersed and gets short arb'd a lot, but PPP and CGA (CGAFF) are at multimonth highs.   If you want beta (i.e 50% rallies off the lows) in relatively safe juniors, MUX, GBG, LSG, NSU , AUMN, SVTMF .  I like most anything that's getting taken down on earnings - GORO,, NEM (itm calls).  I doubt you'll see the 6 month basing like others have had to go through.  GG gap already filled after earnings is the more likely scenario on a gold rally.

    is the gdx renko sys on a buy or short?

    Posted by gregrowe on 30th of Jul 2012 at 03:10 pm

    What is short arb'd

    Posted by steveo on 30th of Jul 2012 at 01:10 pm

    What is short arb'd

    Long / Short abitraged

    Posted by cmunny on 30th of Jul 2012 at 01:28 pm

    A major flaw of using indexes for trading or trend analysis is that the banks are long and short various components of the index simultaneously.

    If one were looking at the GDXJ for a reentry after this last rally up to June highs, they'd have been way too early as most of these stocks (at least for most periods of time in this gold bull market) get reshorted immediately after a short-covering or widespread speculative rally.

    One can also miss a nascent rally when leading stocks are relatively outperforming vs. the index, which may look like it's going nowhere.  If you look at the charts of the stocks in my basket, you'll see that some of them were non-confirming lows in mid-may and were in light retracement / follow-on bullish patterns before this past week's runup.

    The other point is, the banksters are both long and short at any given time.   I think a basket of leading long stocks hedged with underperforming shorts (DUST, GDXJ long puts etc. at highs / resistance) is a logical approach for the average retail investor.


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