SKF an buy or not?

    Posted by sbadri on 28th of Aug 2008 at 02:37 pm

    Please share your comments

    UYG looks much better to

    Posted by dodgerdog on 28th of Aug 2008 at 02:47 pm

    UYG looks much better to me - stochastics turning up from below 20 on the daily.  Depends on your time frame but I wouldn't touch SKF for anyting but a scalp now.


    Posted by pthoreson on 28th of Aug 2008 at 02:58 pm

    I have to agree. Support was broken. Now 117.50 then 114.75. Ouch.

    SKF support actually 115.28. Will

    Posted by pthoreson on 28th of Aug 2008 at 03:55 pm

    SKF support actually 115.28. Will be saved that test by the bell today.

    XLF does have intraday resistance

    Posted by dodgerdog on 28th of Aug 2008 at 03:06 pm

    XLF does have intraday resistance at 21.28 from 10 minute point and figure.

    I see + div on

    Posted by sbadri on 28th of Aug 2008 at 02:57 pm

    I see + div on SKF (5min and 15 min). Would it work out?


    Posted by pthoreson on 28th of Aug 2008 at 02:45 pm

    I just posted two charts on SKF. To me it looks like it wants to test support at 118 again. Might get a bounce there, but this rally is much stronger than I would have thought given the volume the past few days. You could play a bounce at 118 with limit orders just above that level and a stop just below.


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