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Posted by sbadri on 4th of Sep 2008 at 02:05 pm

Matt/Steve , Can you throw some light on XLF? I m not sure when your get out of my UYG hedge. I have both UYG and SKF and am unable to decide when to close one or the other. Is it prudent on my part to expect SKF to test its lows of 200? Please advise.

We are oversold, so UYG might just bounce, so that could be a good place to get out but at what price. Please provide some guidance

Are we Oversold?

Posted by sbadri on 4th of Sep 2008 at 11:03 am

Matt/Dodger, Please comment.

SKF Hedged with UYG

Posted by sbadri on 2nd of Sep 2008 at 02:04 pm

Hello Matt

I bought SKF at 126 and then have it hedged by UYG at 21.70. How should I play this? When should I sell either to make a decent profit? Looking for a strategy.

SKF holding Steady?

Posted by sbadri on 29th of Aug 2008 at 12:52 pm

Hmm inspite of a 15 pt drop, wonder why SKF is holding? Is this a sign for a major drop? Any comments

I see + div on

SKF an buy or not?

Posted by sbadri on 28th of Aug 2008 at 02:57 pm

I see + div on SKF (5min and 15 min). Would it work out?

SKF an buy or not?

Posted by sbadri on 28th of Aug 2008 at 02:37 pm

Please share your comments


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