5 min SPX

    Posted by matt on 11th of Jun 2012 at 10:28 am

    $SPX - Chart Link  - testing the 200 SMA, also watch the primary pivot on this pullback, if that is lost, it wouldn't be good

    I'm surprised how weak we

    Posted by frtaylor on 11th of Jun 2012 at 10:42 am

    I'm surprised how weak we are this morning given the Europe news and the futures reaction last night and this morning.

    Title: I'm surprised how weak

    Posted by rixx on 11th of Jun 2012 at 11:43 am
    Title: I'm surprised how weak we are this morning

    No reason to be surprised..

    Posted by chartboy on 11th of Jun 2012 at 11:35 am

    Hi FR,

    This mornings action so far is text book action. Had the gap actually held..that would have been the surprise. In fact, it was pretty clear from early last week that a short term top was going to be in place either today or early tomorrow. Once it was clear we were getting a gap of that magnitude right into resistance this morning there should have been little doubt that a reversal was immenent.

    I posted this last Wendsday:


    "Moral of the story, be very wary if the market continues to rally for the next few days especially if the rally lasts until the later part of the turn window (Monday/Tuesday). Should that occur, there is a very high probability of a very sharp pullbackthat will at a minimum correct a large part of the rally, but could potentially be the start of another leg lower."

    Yes, I remember reading that,

    Posted by frtaylor on 11th of Jun 2012 at 11:57 am

    Yes, I remember reading that, and thank you for chiming in this morning.  It's very helpful for me.  For me, as a rank amateur, a major difficulty is dealing with the sheer volume of data and chart patterns, expert analysis and opinion (and otherwise - so much out there!), and market action.  I am mostly short, though, as I have been heeding BPT and posts such as yours.

    Here is another item that helped....

    Posted by chartboy on 11th of Jun 2012 at 04:31 pm

    Here is another item that helped confirm the likely hood of a reversal this morning. Time balanced out for the head of a potential inverse H&S pattern just as price was doing the same.

    Obviously if you are a believer in the inverse H&S pattern this would strongly suggest a relatively balanced right shoulder should appear as well in the next four days or so.


    Yeah, that's a good confirmation

    Posted by frtaylor on 11th of Jun 2012 at 04:53 pm

    Yeah, that's a good confirmation that, so far, the possible inv H/S is still very viable.  But I also have your reversal window scenario in mind in which we have another leg down (Steve's deeper inv H/S pattern).

    First things first..this double top

    Posted by chartboy on 11th of Jun 2012 at 07:11 pm

    First things first..this double top measures to the gap fill....read how the markets trades with this pattern in sight for an idea of how strong/weak the market really is in here without any news.

    thanks CB.  

    Posted by frtaylor on 11th of Jun 2012 at 11:26 pm

    thanks CB.  

    No problem...To follow up, here

    Posted by chartboy on 12th of Jun 2012 at 07:50 am

    No problem...To follow up, here is what I was talking about when it comes to "reading".

    Clearly the market closed in a very weak position last night with the short term chart indicating a possible target down near the gap fill if we broke out of the four day range. However, instead we are seeing a little strength this morning. That lets me know that the market is becoming a bit more two sided here. It also tells me, more than likely, yesterdays late day push down was more about taking out the stops below the last swing low from a few days ago. Finally, the continued weakness of US bonds, (strength in TBT), also indicates that, for the time being, fear has subsided quite a bit since last week.

    Barring any fast unforeseen changes all of these items lend credence to the idea that we are trying to form a right shoulder in the potential inverse H&S pattern via a higher divergent low in the next week or so.

    Taking it one step further, one thing to always keep in mind in a potential bear market...inverse H&S shoulder patterns often form in bear markets. Then, they either break out and reverse quickly or fail all together. Point being, the play book that would frustrate the most people here would be to see a higher low form here as the right shoulder, then the inverse H&S would set up and potentially even break out..but instead of leading to a large move higher...it simply serves as a bull trap.

    Just one series of possibilities to watch.

    Yes...however, given all of the

    Posted by chartboy on 11th of Jun 2012 at 04:47 pm

    Yes...however, given all of the outside influences recently anything can happen from here.

    frtaylor - after the initial

    Posted by matt on 11th of Jun 2012 at 10:44 am

    frtaylor - after the initial reaction and euphoria, traders came back to reality and understood that the problems in Europe are far from over and that solves nothing.

    yes TomW1, sell the news...

    I suppose so, but that

    Posted by frtaylor on 11th of Jun 2012 at 10:53 am

    I suppose so, but that always looks like ex post facto analysis to me.  I find it interesting how hard it is to divine where it will go, even given good news and futures action.  If the traders came back to reality, why were their actions counter to that (futures) in the first place?  Know what I mean?  I'm short some things, so I'm certainly relieved, as this morning it looked like I'd be stopped out of a bunch of stuff (still may! you never know).

    I think you need to step back and look at the chart

    Posted by tomW1 on 11th of Jun 2012 at 12:03 pm

    from a bigger picture perspective. It is clear we have hit some kind of bottom and that usually means some kind of seller exhaustion. I would not short now unless you are hedging some longs. I am long and have been for a week and I have my stop below the clear bottom on the SPX. Seems pretty low risk to me. 

    SPY 60 min

    Posted by bkout3 on 11th of Jun 2012 at 12:12 pm

    good call off the low and there were good reasons for a bounce there not the least of which was the fakeout break of the 200ma. But this looks to me like there's plenty of reasons to stall and be a choppy mess for a while

    Right - I think a

    Posted by frtaylor on 11th of Jun 2012 at 12:11 pm

    Right - I think a second time through Matt's newsletter is in order.  Certainly SPX last week broke through the bull wedge that had formed on the daily.  So a pullback would be just that, and could easily play out in an inv H/S as Matt has laid out.  I'm not heavily short right now, and I have reasonably tight stops on my shorts (VR, VRSK, GDX, PKI), and I'm not counting on a new bottom although it would not surprise me.

    Buy the rumor....sell the news.

    Posted by tomW1 on 11th of Jun 2012 at 10:43 am


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