Dax and Euro dumping

    ES 5

    Posted by windyjazz on 15th of Dec 2011 at 10:13 am

    anyone know why...certainly can't be the Phily Fed

    Maybe its because gov'ts around

    Posted by PA on 15th of Dec 2011 at 10:19 am

    Maybe its because gov'ts around the world are collapsing. Germany is considered a potential savior but it is also bankrupt? Of course CNBC would have us believe these problems are bullish Laughing

    Technically the DAX fell out of a rising wedge a while back....

    one factor on Euro--  rates continue

    Posted by parkridge77 on 15th of Dec 2011 at 10:17 am

    one factor on Euro--  rates continue to climb - long term Iatalin back above 7% & short term rates banks charge one another- also on increase

    remember guys, for the Dollar

    Posted by matt on 15th of Dec 2011 at 10:15 am

    remember guys, for the Dollar chart I posted below, the dollar needs a bounce to form that RS


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