Posted by ditch on 17th of Aug 2011 at 09:29 am

    CEF was mentioned in last night's newsletter as a gold trust but actually it has more Silver exposure than GLD,IAU,GTU or PHYS.

    Mamaduck can explain this better than I.



    Posted by mamaduck on 17th of Aug 2011 at 12:48 pm
    Title: Some points.


    Posted by cufuzzy on 17th of Aug 2011 at 02:09 pm

    Actually, upon closer inspection of the quarterly reports, it appears they maintained the 50:1 ratio from 2001 up until 1Q11.  The 2Q11 report is the first one that strayed from the 50:1 ratio, it is now down to 45:1.



    (Edit: to clarify that's the ratio of silver oz to gold oz.)


    Posted by mamaduck on 17th of Aug 2011 at 02:28 pm

    That is correct cufuzzy. Currently CEF has roughly 45 oz of silver for every oz of gold, which matches the gold silver ratio (as of yesterday, it was 44.84 or approx. 45)

    Now,when you translate it into dollars, they have about 1/2 the assets in dollar terms in each metal - which I understand to be their overall philosophy.


    Posted by cufuzzy on 17th of Aug 2011 at 02:40 pm

    No, that's the point I was trying to make.  They do not have a 50/50 dollar split.  They have a 50oz silver/1oz gold split from 2001 up until 1Q11.  In 2Q11 they made a 9:1 oz purchase for the first time I can see bringing the ratio to about 45.44:1.  Not sure why they suddenly changed the ratio, but I can't find the ratio mandated anywhere.  I just started looking into this today, so perhaps you can explain that history to me better or why the sudden shift in strategy?

    The last page of most of these has a pie chart showing the ratio is 50:1, others you have to do the math yourself to see the ratio.  Always 50:1 in the ones I spot checked up until 2Q11 at 45:1.




    Posted by superdupa on 17th of Aug 2011 at 03:44 pm
    Title: Ratio


    Posted by mamaduck on 17th of Aug 2011 at 03:20 pm
    Title: Click to expand.

    I am not sure how

    Posted by tom on 17th of Aug 2011 at 03:31 pm

    I am not sure how many people are truly interested in CEF but I have to say that what you two did today (mama and fuzzy) is exactly what the board is for.  You engaged back and forth, respectfully, and ultimately reached a form of clarity.  I am going to shock some people here but Matt, Steve and myself do not know every thing about every stock. 

    I will give you a minute to pick yourselves up off the floor.

    The research you two did was great and I learned from it so thank you.


    Posted by cufuzzy on 17th of Aug 2011 at 05:16 pm
    Title: Click to expand.

    thanks mama, one for the

    Posted by tom on 17th of Aug 2011 at 12:52 pm

    thanks mama, one for the radar for sure.  I would appreciate you posting any future discountings you see

    I think ounces wise they

    Posted by tom on 17th of Aug 2011 at 09:35 am

    I think ounces wise they have way more Silver than Gold but then when you look at dollar weighted values the assets of Silver and Gold are roughly an equal percentage of the holdings.

    CEF NAV premium down lately too...

    Posted by cufuzzy on 17th of Aug 2011 at 09:48 am


    thanks fuzzy. that does show

    Posted by tom on 17th of Aug 2011 at 10:19 am

    thanks fuzzy. that does show what I was expressing.  DO you know is that equality just a happenstance or is that their philosophy to maintain and equal dollar weighting between silver and gold?

    My understanding is they keep

    Posted by its44me on 17th of Aug 2011 at 10:24 am

    My understanding is they keep a fixed ratio ounces of gold to silver, regardless of the prices of the metals


    Posted by cufuzzy on 17th of Aug 2011 at 10:50 am

    Yeah, I have not been able to find it specifically stated anywhere, but the last page of their quarterly reports always shows a 1oz gold/50oz silver ratio.

    Policies &
    The investment policy set by the Board of Directors requires Central Fund to
    maintain a minimum of 90% of its net assets in gold and silver bullion of which
    at least 85% must be in physical form. On April 30, 2011, 98.8% of Central
    Fund's net assets were held in gold and silver bullion. Of this bullion, 99.6%
    was in physical form and 0.4% was in certificate form.
    Central Fund's physical gold and silver bullion holdings may not be loaned,
    subjected to options or otherwise encumbered in any way."


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