$114,500,000,000,000. - US unfunded liabilities

    Posted by FIGO on 29th of Jul 2011 at 12:06 pm


    Should we say,its all a dream

    $114,500,000,000,000. - US unfunded liabilitie

    $114,500,000,000,000. - US unfunded liabilitie


    we all know, the whole

    Posted by matt on 29th of Jul 2011 at 12:23 pm

    we all know, the whole system is a Ponzi scheme 

    ponzi scheme

    Posted by samspiro on 29th of Jul 2011 at 12:57 pm

    you are 100% right.  they are an embarrassment but the american public doesn't seem to care.  you need a full scale depression to start over.  the system doesn't work.  look at the federal reserve.  their answer is just to print money. 

    ponzi scheme world wide

    Posted by hurricanemalta on 29th of Jul 2011 at 01:07 pm

    Bottom line 47% of US citizens pay no income tax and 51% accept handouts of some sort.Is it 44 million who get food stamps??I believe they are the numbers.To me that says who is willing to throw them all  out when really they all are supportive of govt largesse.They are takers not givers!.The social welfare state is on the way out  here in europe(where I am) and no doubt will be over in  the US in the near future.As Margaret Thatcher said..the problem with socialism is that you finally run out of other people's money.......So true!!!I love that quote.We need a reset worldwide but no one is willing to push the reset button unfortunately.

    I had better stop my rant  before Matt has a crack at me!

    Useful idiots

    Posted by perthx on 29th of Jul 2011 at 02:10 pm

    The USA has a ways to go before a real default crisis ensues. Here is why. Many people are still not paying attention and are still buying the lies the media and Washington are constantly spewing. 

    Sadly many educated people I know are 'useful idiots', that is they agree wholeheartedly that we need to cut spending and balance the budget but they have already bought into the lies that the Tea Party's principles of cutting spending and balancing the budget are extreme. 

    Until this large group wakes up to the fact that they are de facto Tea Partiers, or at least some kind of fiscal conservatives, the USA will wander along the path to economic ruin.

    Hell I say raise taxes to 100% for all income over $100K/year and that still leaves us with almost a $1.2 trillion/yr deficit....people just don't get it. It isn't even the deficit anymore, it is the debt now.


    47% of Americans pay no

    Posted by algyros on 29th of Jul 2011 at 01:20 pm

    47% of Americans pay no federal income taxes.  But federal income taxes aren't the only federal or other taxes Americans pay.  So this number is misleading.

    I would not be surprised

    Posted by cwa82675 on 29th of Jul 2011 at 12:48 pm

    I would not be surprised to see a announcement for QE3 in the next 30 days.  The burn rate of the government after accounting for tax income is close to 4 billion a day.  So they need 4 billion to come in every day to fund their liabilities.  They also need to replenish the ?300-500? billion they raided from the federal pensions funds.  Where is all this money going to come from?????  They can crash the stock market and scare people into bonds, or just print more money on one side of the street and give it to the other side of the street...

    they are in a pharmaceutical

    Posted by cwa82675 on 29th of Jul 2011 at 03:20 pm

    they are in a pharmaceutical coma.  the number of americans on antidepressants doubled from 1996-2005.  That was before the great recession....wonder what it is now...well over 10% of the total population - take children and elderly out and it could be much higher.  http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2009-08-03-antidepressants_N.htm


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