I hate to sound stupid . . . but does Matt's statement on the parameters of the trade translate, at this moment to, "go long SPY if SPY closes below 131.87 and above 131.48".  My hang up, and it's probably me, is how do you define "between".  This definition would mean that if SPY closes at 131.87 or 131.48 there is NO trade.

    that is the definition of between...

    Posted by 8899 on 27th of Jul 2011 at 02:44 pm

    by definition, between means NOT including the end points...

    Yes between means between, if

    Posted by matt on 27th of Jul 2011 at 03:19 pm

    Yes between means between, if it included the prices, I would say at or below 131.87, at or above 131.48.  Between means between those numbers not include


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