Folks - I said this

    Posted by matt on 8th of Aug 2008 at 03:30 pm

    Folks - I said this earlier, but DON'T let your bias after your trading.  I see it here and I see it on other boards.  Trade the charts to be objective and filter out everything else.  Lose your Bias!!!

    I, of all people, know

    Posted by califman4u on 9th of Aug 2008 at 10:13 am

    I, of all people, know what you mean Matt.  I'm a member at another board and I can tell the difference now between objective trading and emotional hopefulness.  By the way, I'm happy for the gains in DZZ and PFE.  The absurd thing of it all is that I read Stan Weinstein's book and didn't follow any of his methods, even though he warned the readers about the same things you and Dodger have warned your clients constantly about.  Playing the breakouts is the best way to consistently be successful.  My days of trying to guess the bottoms are over.  I realize now that it is better to catch it on the way up somewhere.



    Posted by rgoodwin on 8th of Aug 2008 at 03:38 pm

    Your statement is so dead on Matt. I used to trade my bias and it didn;t work out so well. Although one might express it, it is not a tool for trading.


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