Current Trade stats

    Posted by matt on 10th of Jun 2011 at 04:55 pm
    Title: click to expand

    Very well said Matt!

    Posted by chartboy on 14th of Jun 2011 at 01:01 pm

    Even for myself, as a trader that was one of the larger institutional MM's on the street for the better part of decade, and also as a guy that has professionally prop traded my own money for a living...I have to say you nailed it right on the head with this post Matt!

    For those that may be new to this type of Matt's post... and then read it again and the long run those words of wisdom are very likely to be the difference between whether you are still trading in a few years or you have faded away as most new traders eventually do.

    thanks for the feedback!  It's

    Posted by matt on 14th of Jun 2011 at 02:33 pm

    thanks for the feedback!  It's true though and these are things that the public doesn't think about but should when trading.  I've traded systems long enough to know that they do not take away the emotion, and you have to look things other then total return.

    Re-Current trade stats

    Posted by cooksbay on 13th of Jun 2011 at 08:07 pm
    Title: Current trade stats

    Title: Re-current trade stats Some context

    Posted by sonofrebel on 14th of Jun 2011 at 01:04 pm
    Title: Re-current trade stats

    nice stats sonofrebel, especially the

    Posted by matt on 14th of Jun 2011 at 10:50 pm

    nice stats sonofrebel, especially the stats about the 6 week stats, and combined with options expiration that ends to give a bid to the market after it has been down, with a nice recipe for a bounce


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