Matt -- what are your thoughts on Gold's rising wedge

    Posted by puma on 8th of Jun 2011 at 01:55 pm

    You've posted this chart many times yourself -- If the wedge breaks to the downside, then it could measure WAY down. Are you saying that you think that we will likely break the wedge, but that we will find support long before it plays out in full?

    I'm also long term very bullish on gold, but this is the one chart that has concerned me for a while.


    Why so worried?  That wedge

    Posted by cufuzzy on 8th of Jun 2011 at 04:07 pm

    Why so worried?  That wedge is a lot closer to breaking up than down!  :)

    Yep I'm aware of that

    Posted by matt on 8th of Jun 2011 at 01:59 pm

    Yep I'm aware of that too of course and it concerns me as well.


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