Title: click to see comments   I'm


    Posted by matt on 17th of May 2011 at 02:28 pm
    Title: click to see comments

    I think Matt's "Standard Statements"

    Posted by bkout3 on 17th of May 2011 at 05:14 pm

    I think Matt's "Standard Statements" regarding the pending action are very clear (with the posted correction regarding shorts) and I would like to have them as a sticky at the top of this page just for convenience. Once a trade is entered then it could be recorded in existing tables.

    Title: I agree I agree with

    Posted by cclammers on 17th of May 2011 at 04:48 pm
    Title: I agree

    When only a handful of

    Posted by meve on 17th of May 2011 at 05:41 pm

    When only a handful of members ( out of 500 ) are challenged with the current system trade announcements, you must be doing something right! I can get confused and panic with the best of them, but today's trade announcement was very clear and concise. You are on the right track. Thanks for all your hard work and patience.


    Posted by RM686 on 17th of May 2011 at 03:51 pm

    I agree with Matt, in this case words are worth a thousand pictures or tables. Spell it out so dummies like me can"t screw it up.

    one correction

    Posted by alefhand on 17th of May 2011 at 02:39 pm

    Short Exit
    SPY system notification alert: The SPY system will be exiting the current short position today tomorrowon the open Close
    (applies to both the Single Entry and Multi-Entry System)


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