Market Analysis posts

    Posted by matt on 11th of May 2011 at 12:54 pm

    Steve and I will only be placing our subjective market analysis posts into the normal blog, and not in the SPY forum.  The reason for that is because a system is a system, I do not want confusion from our subjective market analysis interfering with the system.  There will be many times that our subjective market analysis differs or is opposite to the system, especially in the short term; sometimes we will be right and the system will be wrong, while other times the system will be right etc.  Last night the market was at resistance and looked like it would retrace and that's playing out.  But again that analysis is separate from the system, this current system trade will either work out or it won't. However again a system is a system, that's why I feel it's best not to intermingle the the two.  Earlier a few market analysis posts were placed in this forum, but I moved them off because they do not belong here. 

    That is a good suggestion

    Posted by steve on 11th of May 2011 at 01:01 pm

    That is a good suggestion Matt.

    Matt - Question about new money

    Posted by falcon5678 on 11th of May 2011 at 02:33 pm

    Matt,  I have some new funds available.   Can I buy into the SPY since it is below 134.50 or has the 'texture' of the market changed such that new trades should not be made at this point in time (even though existing longs should be held).  Thanks


    Posted by Michael on 11th of May 2011 at 04:27 pm

    with price near the entry, you can absolutely enter now.  I show that I'm still .55% positive as of the close, but still, if you aren't in, go for it.

    The system is well defined.

    Posted by ascr on 11th of May 2011 at 03:16 pm

    The system is well defined.  Matt will not give you discretionary advice on trading your "new money" related to this system.

    If the price is at or below entry, go ahead and get in.  Use your own risk tolerance as a guide for how much.  


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