Is this correct?

    Posted by burkmere on 29th of Apr 2011 at 10:24 am

    Maybe this is obvious to you guys, but I want to make sure I'm signed up for both email and text alerts. Is this correct?

    Disable SMS: no

    Send SMS to email: yes

    (I had gotten an SMS to my phone and signed up previous to indicating the above so I'm pretty sure I'm signed up for text. It was the email alerts I was a little confused about, but I guess they have my email already and this above method is just used to change preferernces?)


    Test alert

    Posted by splitrim on 29th of Apr 2011 at 11:06 am

    Matt    Can you send out a test alert over the weekend so we check our settings.  Thanks

    Ha, "I would not like

    Posted by ascr on 29th of Apr 2011 at 10:59 am

    Ha, "I would not like to disable".  Great use of a double negative.   Wink

    Maybe you should change that to "Enable SMS = Yes"

    burkmere - just go back

    Posted by tom on 29th of Apr 2011 at 10:31 am

    burkmere - just go back to the 'membership' tab and if your phone is in the system, it will list your phone number like this:

    If not, then all you have to do is set it up again

    Tom -- question on texts to phone & email

    Posted by lessarda on 29th of Apr 2011 at 10:43 am

    If you have "no" for disable and "yes" for send to email, do alerts go both by sms and email? What happens with "no" & "no"? thanks.

    Same here...

    Posted by burkmere on 29th of Apr 2011 at 11:13 am

    I also see posts from the Community Board on the spy board when I leave the screen idle for awhile..I trust they are working on this...

    Yeah, I pm'd Matt and

    Posted by ascr on 29th of Apr 2011 at 10:55 am

    Yeah, I pm'd Matt and James about it.

    Thanks, Tom..

    Posted by burkmere on 29th of Apr 2011 at 10:35 am

    Thanks, Tom. Yes, that's what mine looks like so I will receive both texts to the phone and sms to my email address on record...great!!


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