I moved my trading account today and am waiting to get set up woth the new company so I can't do much. My old company has a very basic and crude software I could use but on a day like today - better to save the commissions and get other work done.

    Hope evryone has a great weekend. Sunny and HOT in Las Vegas.

    What company do you guys

    Posted by schen2000 on 1st of Aug 2008 at 12:50 pm

    What company do you guys think is good?  I'm using Ameritrade...it's pretty crapy.  I'd like to change to others but don't know which one.  Any suggestions?

    I have only used two

    Posted by trader2 on 1st of Aug 2008 at 01:28 pm

    I have only used two trading platforms: Scottrade and Fidelity.   Scottrade beats Fidelity hands down, IMO.  I manage my daughter's account also and made her change to Scottrade because Fidelity's was too frustrating for me to navigate through.

    yes, Fido doesn't seem to

    Posted by racerick on 1st of Aug 2008 at 01:32 pm

    yes, Fido doesn't seem to care about daytraders much. Good px if doing 1000+ shares and actually have a few things I like in their charting, but TS hard to beat for the money. Fido order entry procedure getting a little outdated and after hours a joke


    I think Ameritrade's Strategy Desk

    Posted by bkout3 on 1st of Aug 2008 at 01:28 pm

    I think Ameritrade's Strategy Desk is a great deal and use it constantly, but I agree with rp that IB is better for general trading. I use Ameritrade maily for mutual funds or something I want to put away and not think about for a long time. You may want to investigate TradeStation or InvestorsRT if you want to do serious system development

    I moved to Trade Station

    Posted by rgoodwin on 1st of Aug 2008 at 01:28 pm

    I moved to Trade Station to save $ on commissions and software. Looking forward to the new cheaper way to trade. If you are doing small volume trades they charge a penny a share with a minimum of $1.00 and this includes ECN's as well. Software if free over 5,000 shares a month.

    BTW - thanks to Pthoreson on help for this decision!

    I use both fidelity and

    Posted by racerick on 1st of Aug 2008 at 01:10 pm

    I use both fidelity and tradestation. Fido not all that good for daytrading unless you doing big shares. TS is cheap with great charting  for free, well like 10 trades/mo. something small like that

    thanks guys.

    Posted by schen2000 on 1st of Aug 2008 at 01:19 pm

    thanks guys.

    if you're trading full-time, I

    Posted by Michael on 1st of Aug 2008 at 01:02 pm

    if you're trading full-time, I think Interctive Brokers is good because commissions are much lower than the retail brokers on small shares sizes.  So you can scale in 100 or 200 shares at a time for a couple bucks each time.  For large share orders -- over 1000, I often use Ameritrade qhere my commissions are still pretty good, and less than IB for those share sizes.  Ameritrade, Findelity, etc. have better streaming charts, IMO

    I use Schwab Streetsmart Pro

    Posted by kevin on 1st of Aug 2008 at 12:57 pm

    I use Schwab Streetsmart Pro I have  heard that Interactive Broker is good

    I use them and to

    Posted by cspirit on 1st of Aug 2008 at 12:57 pm

    I use them and to place trades.  I do agree everything else they offer isn't really good.  Believe it or not TD is better to place trades than Fidelity. I do use stockcharts charts


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