Are we all a part of the bigger problem?

    Posted by spoulson on 15th of Apr 2011 at 05:03 pm

    Zach:  the problem with the world is the growing hatred between people that don't share the same views (Democrat/Republican, Christian/Muslim, legals/illegals, Suni/Shiite, and on and on and on).  It makes me sick to see the hatred that has grown the past 20 years or so.  People like Hannity (and it sounds like you too) don't realize the harm they do with seeming cute little know-it-all jabs.  Anger is just a reaction to things not going according to your personal rules.  Everyone has their own rules.   Think about that.   BTW, I'm not an Obama fan; most of my views are Libertarian.  I believe the founding fathers would be ashamed of what we've become.

    Yes they would

    Posted by zach06 on 16th of Apr 2011 at 05:01 pm

    The choice is between Treason and Incompetence.    BTW... I'm good at throwing muck at both parties...   The only difference is that it is almost impossible to get a  third party going... so your better off trying to reform the party of incompetence  than deal with the party that is beyond repair and bears  any resemblance of what our founder wanted.


    Posted by jtverr on 16th of Apr 2011 at 08:39 am

    So well stated.  Anything that divides Americans (Republicans and Democrats are a great example) just work to keep the people holding us down (banks and Wall street---war mongers, etc) in power.  Divide and conquer-classic.

    I challenge anyone to show me the difference between Bush and Obama...

    Well said. It's interesting, If

    Posted by macksurf on 16th of Apr 2011 at 06:32 am

    Well said. It's interesting, If everyone were able to dissolve some of their ego away they would all be better traders. Several years ago I started working on letting go of my ego(it's very hard). I used to stress out over investing and I mostly lost money. Then a few years ago I noticed that trading had become significantly  less stressful and I was making alot more money. It's a win win way of life for you and everyone! Start by turning off that damn television(especially cnbc) and go see Atlas Shrugged!  

    I could not have said

    Posted by carpru on 15th of Apr 2011 at 07:20 pm

    I could not have said it any better and I totally agree with you!

    What amuses me the most

    Posted by john9o9 on 16th of Apr 2011 at 08:12 am

    What amuses me the most is watching the left and right duke it out while the puppet masters sit back and soak up all the riches!  The best is for the most part the masses don't have a clue what is going on nor do they have a hint who the people that pull the strings really are!

    What I find most amusing,

    Posted by algyros on 16th of Apr 2011 at 09:51 am

    What I find most amusing, and moving in a sad way, is the universal and eternal need for people to find comfort in the idea that someone is in charge.  It could be the illuminati, the "puppet masters," the new world order, or any of a series of divinities, but the motivation is the same:  to escape the messiness of human life by positing a transcendent, or at least very powerful, logic or order in the world, an order that is hidden to all but the enlightened few (who are, sadly, the most deluded).

    You sound pretty enlightened as

    Posted by sanrafael on 16th of Apr 2011 at 11:13 am

    You sound pretty enlightened as well!

    Order or chaos or perhaps

    Posted by john9o9 on 16th of Apr 2011 at 10:09 am

    Order or chaos or perhaps a blend of the two?? 

    Chaos in the modern sense

    Posted by algyros on 16th of Apr 2011 at 02:39 pm

    Chaos in the modern sense of nonlinear dynamics.


    Posted by sanrafael on 16th of Apr 2011 at 03:00 pm
    Title: This is MY truth

    Nonlinear dynamics isn't about chaos

    Posted by algyros on 16th of Apr 2011 at 03:11 pm

    Nonlinear dynamics isn't about chaos in the usual sense of the word.  It's a about all kinds of order hidden in what appears to be random.  

    And, btw, people don't usually try to escape from the messiness of life though recourse to relativism.  They usually find comfort in some eternal, metaphysical truth (political ideology, religion, Platonism, etc.).  

    But my point is that nonlinear dynamics is neither randomness nor determinism.  It is, like life, the delicate and beautiful intersection of the two.  


    Posted by sanrafael on 16th of Apr 2011 at 03:31 pm
    Title: Fair enough

    Excellent, true observations, Algyros...

    Posted by lessarda on 17th of Apr 2011 at 09:36 pm

    Following the great conversation among the poets, philosophers and theologians from the ancients through to the moderns is the essence of liberal education -- something only a few schools do any more.

    Yes, it would be great

    Posted by algyros on 17th of Apr 2011 at 09:48 pm

    Yes, it would be great if we could reinstitute "great books" courses that were required of all students, in both high school and college.  But, we seem to be moving in the direction of McCollege.  Perhaps that's the price of democracy.  Perhaps the price of a free market system.  I don't know.  But I do know that it makes me sad that in many circles to be called an "intellectual" is an insult.  Can you imagine what Plato, Aquinas, Nietzsche, etc. would have thought of a culture that sees the cultivation of the mind as a negative thing.


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