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Does this chart tell you when to buy and sell?  Are you going to draw a red vertical line today or wait until you see if the market goes down?  i.e. what is your trigger?


It doesn't look like the VIX ever closed outside the lower bollinger band on Friday.  Right?  If so, there was no signal.

Yes you made an error...

Check my math?

Posted by spoulson on 9th of Aug 2011 at 11:16 am

I get $6,666.67 per person on my calculator (the one that comes with Windows).

Are we all a part of the bigger problem?

Posted by spoulson on 15th of Apr 2011 at 05:03 pm

Zach:  the problem with the world is the growing hatred between people that don't share the same views (Democrat/Republican, Christian/Muslim, legals/illegals, Suni/Shiite, and on and on and on).  It makes me sick to see the hatred that has grown the past 20 years or so.  People like Hannity (and it sounds like you too) don't realize the harm they do with seeming cute little know-it-all jabs.  Anger is just a reaction to things not going according to your personal rules.  Everyone has their own rules.   Think about that.   BTW, I'm not an Obama fan; most of my views are Libertarian.  I believe the founding fathers would be ashamed of what we've become.


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