You need to set up

    Posted by califman4u on 29th of Jul 2008 at 10:41 am

    You need to set up a training site Matt so the newbies like me can understand the significance of what you are posting on the blog.

    califman4u - well actually I have

    Posted by matt on 29th of Jul 2008 at 11:19 am

    califman4u - well actually I have thought about this.  I have plans for the future for it, but it would not be on a regular basis, maybe once or twice a month.  Basically I would set up a chat room and set up a time on the weekend, maybe an hr or two where I invite the members and we all get together.  However this is something for down the road after I get the website re-designed, maybe a couple months from now. I would probably use something like PalTalk chat that has sound integrated into the chat.

    Any yes thanks Dylan, we kill ourselves already!  This would only be something we would do form time to time.

    Califman4u - I second that sentiment.

    Posted by rgoodwin on 29th of Jul 2008 at 10:44 am

    Califman4u - I second that sentiment. I also think that a couple of weekend training seminars using web meeting software could bring in some nice $ and be worth the effort for Steve and Matt!!! HInt Hint!

    you guys must be kidding??

    Posted by dylan398 on 29th of Jul 2008 at 10:46 am

    you guys must be kidding?? these guys work hard enough......


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