updated SPX 15 min chart, again really we need to see the 60 period Slow Stochastics get above 20%; notice how they failed to do so last week as well as the EMA's. 50% Fib is 1245

    Slow Schotastics

    Posted by bob52 on 28th of Jul 2008 at 12:04 pm

    Matt, what determines which numbers you use on your custom slow schotastics charts?  I've seen you use 60,3,  60,5, and 60,1 on different charts.  Is it the timeframe (daily, 15 minute) that determines which one to use?  Thanks for any help on this.

    bob52 - Slow Stochastics, I like

    Posted by matt on 28th of Jul 2008 at 12:40 pm

    bob52 - Slow Stochastics, I like to use a 60,5 on a 15 min chart, and also find use of it on other times frames such as daily charts, weekly charts, etc.  There really isn't much difference between a 60,5 and a 60,3 etc.  I generally use the 60,3 setting.  Again it works pretty well but it's not magic, it should be combined with trendlines, support/resistance zones, and other technical indicators to confirm buy/sell signals

    Thanks Matt

    Posted by bob52 on 28th of Jul 2008 at 12:47 pm

    Thanks very much for your reply.   I was wondering if there was a trick to it; thanks for clearing that up.


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