Here's Steve's 30 min chart

    Posted by matt on 27th of Oct 2010 at 11:45 am

    Here's Steve's 30 min chart which is chart # 6 from Steve's newsletter last night.

    ignoring the wave counts for a min, there is support at the uptrend line, as you can see the SPX for now has bounced off that uptrend line.  

    That's why we now include the links in the newsletters, so that you can follow our charts, I think that sets BPT apart now from most other newsletter's as most do not give links to all their newsletters

    Thanks for posting

    Posted by klatuu on 27th of Oct 2010 at 12:29 pm

    I like the 60 min

    Posted by perthx on 27th of Oct 2010 at 11:51 am

    I like the 60 min wedge that was support chart too!


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