guys please drop the political

    Posted by matt on 15th of Sep 2010 at 04:10 pm

    guys please drop the political crap, stop drowning out good posts. Stop replying to previous posts on this, let it die

    Yes people should stay away from political posts and not post that here, read the blog rules, we have rules about these things.  However it's almost just as bad when people respond angrily to a post 20 times and then we have this big thread.  Just let it die, we don't get these endless threads

    and don't respond to this post, I want the thread to do right here please. 

    Title: comments That's my point, if

    Posted by jtverr on 15th of Sep 2010 at 04:16 pm
    Title: comments

    You're right - you do

    Posted by trip on 15th of Sep 2010 at 04:23 pm

    You're right - you do post plenty about trading and I think your posts in that domain are excellent.  I should have said that in my original post.  I was not trying to be nasty.  It just seems that sometimes you drift off into posting about politics, and I find those posts annoying in the context of this blog.  I usually bite me tongue, but today I didn't.  Sorry to be taking up blog space with this.    Respectfully,  Trip

    Title: comments Matt, I realize this

    Posted by Palladin on 15th of Sep 2010 at 04:22 pm
    Title: comments

    Title: off topic Was interesting post

    Posted by thermo on 15th of Sep 2010 at 04:22 pm
    Title: off topic


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