Posted by fehro on 27th of Aug 2010 at 12:51 pm

    any EWT experts please comment... but from my very limited EWT knowledge, aren't wave's 4 normally triangles?... and if wave 1=5 it's  interesting that it matches the triangle target.

    Another bullish count.

    Posted by tradequick on 27th of Aug 2010 at 02:04 pm

    I'm new to EW Analysis, and I'm trying to get my bearings with all the waves within waves.  Anyway this is my best guess of where we are:


    As my chart shows, we are in wave Primary[C] of Cycle II.  The 5-wave Primary[C] is going up and we may be just be starting Intermediate wave (2) to the up side.  Primary[C] could take us up well into next year.  When it completes, Cycle II will also be complete, and it will be bombs away to the downside as we enter 5-wave Cycle III to the downside.

    Like I said I'm new to trading and to EW analysis.  Just throwing this out.  I may even have the waves mixed up.  Comments appreciated.

    ABC version.... guess either way

    Posted by fehro on 27th of Aug 2010 at 01:53 pm

    ABC version.... guess either way it's all about the triangle

    Title: interesting... but not always happen

    Posted by brophy on 27th of Aug 2010 at 01:26 pm
    Title: interesting...

    Guess that is why

    Posted by perthx on 27th of Aug 2010 at 01:28 pm

    bulls must defend 1040 so strongly and then again 1010 if we drop to there.


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