Market Comments

    Posted by matt on 28th of Jul 2010 at 05:20 pm

    The Rut is leading and that's why it's important to follow the RUT at this time, Today the inverse H&S played out well for TZA and the longer period stochastics gave a nice confirmation.  I hope some caught that TZA trade.

    Here's also the 15 min RUT chart and the 60 min RUT chart, notice however on the 60 min chart that 60 period stochastics crossed below 80%.  Of course there is some support around this 650 - 645 area which was previous resistance.

    TZA Trade

    Posted by airstream on 28th of Jul 2010 at 08:56 pm

    Yes I did  Made a dollar per share on the trade . Thanks Matt   I would not have done it without your chart this morning.  It took some patience  but it finally got going.


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