Posted by mamaduck on 18th of Jul 2010 at 01:18 pm

    One the one hand, things may not be as bad as they look, on the other hand, if it is a H&S forming in the ratio chart, then things are much worse than they look.

    no audio

    Posted by bensjoyce on 18th of Jul 2010 at 08:32 pm

    from what i can see

    there is no audio in sun nt's newsletter

      Yes there was audio in

    Posted by matt on 19th of Jul 2010 at 09:26 am


    Yes there was audio in the newsletters and it plays fine, try re-starting your computer, your computer may be low on virtual memory; the audio plays through Flash and if your computer is low on virtual memory it may not play, the problem appears to be on your end



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