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tank you I understand

is Bernankes talk released before speakin?  like at 9:30am?  or does is all just start at 10am?



Posted by bensjoyce on 8th of Jul 2013 at 07:53 am

Rose   could you send me you settins cant reproduce 



no audio


Posted by bensjoyce on 18th of Jul 2010 at 08:32 pm

from what i can see

there is no audio in sun nt's newsletter

abc corrections

SPX View

Posted by bensjoyce on 14th of Jul 2010 at 12:30 pm

Steve-  In abc corrections must c always (or usually) is lower than a??


Fomc minutes at 2pm.  I was thinking the minutes may complain or worry about the economy, causing the S&P to go down in c.

must c be lower that a?  can it stop above a?  ie does not take out todays lows.

you posted no 5 min


Posted by bensjoyce on 14th of Jul 2010 at 12:08 pm

you posted no 5 min chart.  Do you mean the low at 10am in A now we top in B

and then where do you typically see C down to?  ie higher or lower than A?

looks like the futures market hit your support over night -about 2am (Eu-open) at 1081.00.  But this is futures, the cash "equivelent would be about 1084 or so.

you measure in SPX (cash) should I have taken the move last night or has the thunder for the downside been stolen by overnight futures action?


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