Yes, but they have some of the highest property taxes in the country which more than offsets lower income taxes.


    Posted by law6 on 19th of Jul 2010 at 09:04 am

    law6 - I see that

    Posted by matt on 19th of Jul 2010 at 09:22 am

    law6 - I see that you posted my long term view of EWX, which is very bullish for the long term. As far as the short term, this uptrend line needs to hold, otherwise will correct lower, the MA's below are support, EWX chart

    Houston TX property tax rate 3.5 to 4%

    Posted by ameritrader on 17th of Jul 2010 at 01:45 am

    I lived in Houston 2003-2005. In and around Houston, the real estate property tax was 3.5% to 4%.

    Unlike Calif with Prop 13, TX can raise its property tax anytime the local government needs to. Also add school tax. TX does have very good public schools, better then CA. CA public schools are going broke.

    What is the property tax rate in ILL?

    wow -- that's high property

    Posted by Michael on 17th of Jul 2010 at 05:40 am

    wow -- that's high property tax.  I lived in NY state close to the MA border for a number of years and it is 2.8% which seemed really high.  Across the border here in MA, which is a more affluent area, taxes are much less, maybe 1.8% or less.

    Not even close, I've done

    Posted by matt on 17th of Jul 2010 at 12:59 am

    Not even close, I've done the numbers, I checked and property taxes are similar to where I live.  Let's say the property tax on a house in IL was 5K and a comparable priced house in TX was $6K, so I lose -$1K in property tax, however if I'm paying say 24K a year in state income tax to IL and by moving to TX I pay nothing, I still come out $23K ahead. 

    kauai property taxes cheaper than anywhere ???

    Posted by law6 on 19th of Jul 2010 at 09:09 am


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