VXX 15 min

    Posted by matt on 14th of Jul 2010 at 09:34 am

    Here's a chart with some comments on the chart, the 89 period MA has crossed over 20%.  

    VXX 15 min chart

    for non-Stockchart members, copy and paste the following link


    Projecting SPY from VIX

    Posted by klatuu on 14th of Jul 2010 at 10:55 am

    Since a 2% climb in the VIX would yeild a 1% drop in the SPY this would mean:

    100 * (27.63-25.00) /25.0 = 10.5 %

    so, (100 - 10.5/2) * 110.10 = 104.31 SPY

    That's quite a drop.




    Thanks Matt however I'm going

    Posted by cspirit on 14th of Jul 2010 at 10:37 am

    Thanks Matt however I'm going to pass on this trade right now ...  My charts look like higher Market prices still ...  Watching it only at this time!

    as I said last night,

    Posted by matt on 14th of Jul 2010 at 11:22 am

    as I said last night, the move up looks like a wave 3, so I would consider a pullback as a wave 4 at this time, then another 5 wave up.

    use the 5 min SPX, working well, gave a nice sell signal yesterday near the close,a nd a buy this morning when it got oversold

    and on the 15 min charts, the stochastics have not crossed

    however that said, I think wave 4 should pullback more than this ultimately, the VXX 15 min chart looks like a bull flag at the moment, that could change however we'll see

    144 Stoch just poke thru

    Posted by benjee on 14th of Jul 2010 at 10:04 am

    144 Stoch just poke thru 20 level


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