Anyone having trouble shorting FAZ in TS?

    Posted by rjdst on 15th of Jun 2010 at 03:53 pm

    The FAZ 7min EOD mechanical system triggered this morning, but when I checked in on how it was doing, saw that it didn't execute because TS didn't have shares to short.  This had happened several times in the past month. 

    Obviously missed out on a very nice trade, but more significantly, I'm wondering if the system is even worth running if shares aren't available reliably.  Maybe set it up to trigger a buy of FAS instead of a short of FAZ? 

    Any TS users have similar issues?


    Yes, I have the same

    Posted by steever on 15th of Jun 2010 at 04:08 pm

    Yes, I have the same problem.  there are never shares of FAS and FAZ to borrow at TS.  I'm suprised they always seem to have SRS.   And it's true, IB usually never has this problem.  

    rjdst- that's why many of us

    Posted by matt on 15th of Jun 2010 at 03:59 pm

    rjdst- that's why many of us have the systems execute in Interactive Brokers instead, because you don't run into this problem.  We do this either with Tradebullet or using Mulitcharts, this has been discussed countless times here.

    otherwise we are working on a new code that will go Long only, i.e. when FAZ system gives a long, it will go long FAZ in your trading account, however but when the FAZ system gives a short signal, it will go long FAS instead, Tom is currently working on this

    this is actually very easy

    Posted by rank10 on 15th of Jun 2010 at 06:47 pm

    this is actually very easy to do and i wrote something very similar when i was doing my automatic trading with tradestation.


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