every time I refresh my

    Posted by Michael on 21st of Apr 2008 at 09:43 am

    every time I refresh my blog page, my last message posts again and again? 

    Michael, I had this same

    Posted by davetrader on 21st of Apr 2008 at 09:51 am

    Michael, I had this same problem last week, Matt addressed this, do not use refresh but instead click on one of the filters instead: All messages, Market Analysis, ect...

    Seems to be a bug. 

    Posted by trip on 21st of Apr 2008 at 09:47 am

    Seems to be a bug.  The work-around seems to use the "All Messages" link to refresh instead of you browser's refresh button.

    trip - thanks

    Posted by Michael on 21st of Apr 2008 at 09:50 am

    trip - thanks


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