
    Posted by elfi on 4th of Jun 2010 at 07:47 am

    Comments from the Hungarian Prime Ministers spokesman (over Bloomberg) that default talk is not an exaggeration has sent EUR/CHF down 150 pips. EUR/USD has just broken below 1.21 (1.2090 the low) thus extinguisng  the 1.21 barrier.

    The collapse in EUR/CHF through 1.40 was decisive and perhaps an accident waiting to happen. Is Hungary playing politics? Rumour of a bank in trouble is just that - a rumour. All up though I would not trust these moves in the current trading environment. London dealers say the market is extremely thin and illiquid prior to the NFP.

    Default and Lying are not a good combination

    Posted by klatuu on 4th of Jun 2010 at 09:00 am

    Apparently the prior govt was lying about the reports it was publishing  to the world as well.



    Glad i am short since

    Posted by vimal on 4th of Jun 2010 at 08:22 am

    Glad i am short since 1.4450. Will probably close out soon or certainly place trailing stops

    btw: Hungary is member of

    Posted by elfi on 4th of Jun 2010 at 07:59 am

    btw: Hungary is member of the European Community but still has Forint (currency) - not Euro (yet).

    I have to say, that

    Posted by dylan398 on 4th of Jun 2010 at 08:14 am

    I have to say, that i find the news this AM a little suspicious @ best. very odd news to come out an hour before payrolls....these guys are really unscrupulous..


    Posted by elfi on 4th of Jun 2010 at 10:20 am



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