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GRWG One of the best textbook examples of a {C&H} ...

Posted by z0ned on 20th of Aug 2020 at 02:45 pm


Gold futures breaking down from bear flag on hourly.  I'm playing it with GLL ETF.

I didn't know what Graceland referred to, so I googled.  That Stewart Thompson guy is preparing for the end of the world!  He says: "Unless the US government adopts a policy of promoting modesty, savings, and gold, it’s unlikely that the war cycle of 2021-2025 can be averted." and "I have 5 years of coffee supply, massive supplies of rice, spaghetti, vitamins, medicine, fridges and freezer filled to capacity, a huge bucket of N95 masks that I could probably sell at a big profit, 2 full respirators, endless rubber gloves, full face mask, goggles and rubber pants, jacket, boots, first aid kits."  

Why don't you just trade the $7 channel?  Buy at the bottom, sell at the top, tight stops just outside the channel.

I still cant open TOS.

Beware: TOS still showing bad data

Posted by z0ned on 18th of Aug 2020 at 11:02 am

I still cant open TOS.  Called support "Your current hold time is approximately 2 hours..."

OK so apparently SQQQ went

Beware: TOS still showing bad data

Posted by z0ned on 18th of Aug 2020 at 07:35 am

OK so apparently SQQQ went through a 5:1 reverse split.   I am holding this and can't trade it.   

Beware: TOS still showing bad

Posted by z0ned on 18th of Aug 2020 at 07:20 am

Beware: TOS still showing bad data

MRVL appears to be coiling

Posted by z0ned on 17th of Aug 2020 at 07:04 pm

MRVL appears to be coiling on daily.

This is a great example of how different platforms show different data.   On TOS monthly it has not broken out yet.

ADBE appears to be in

Posted by z0ned on 17th of Aug 2020 at 06:28 pm

ADBE appears to be in a 5 week coil.

ThinkOrSwim TOS is back up but it is having some math problems....

Yes.  TOS.  POS.  It's down.

Is TOS down?

Posted by z0ned on 17th of Aug 2020 at 09:34 am

Yes.  TOS.  POS.  It's down.   Again.

Just like "something big" happened right after he dumped airlines lol

FYI This is the latest

Posted by z0ned on 15th of Aug 2020 at 11:27 am

FYI This is the latest market commentary video from Ciovacco Capital.

TAN breaking out of 9-year

Posted by z0ned on 13th of Aug 2020 at 05:29 pm

TAN breaking out of 9-year basing pattern (monthly chart)

Thanks Bulf - That's an interesting idea.   I'm going to test that out. - Matt.

Thanks Brophy.  I appreciate you taking the time to respond.   Unfortunately I just don't have the availability to watch the portfolio during the day to get a "feel" for intraday activity.   I think that's one of my biggest challenges.    I am setting up trades for the breakout plays shown in the newsletter that automatically executes when the trigger price is hit.  I use ToS "One triggers all" to automatically create a stop trade at the same time.    When the market goes south, all my stops are hit.    This can add up quickly.    I may just have to have tighter stops and set up another trigger if I get stopped out.

Need some help from the

Posted by z0ned on 11th of Aug 2020 at 09:06 pm

Need some help from the A-Team - I just can't seem to get hedging right.   I am typically only available to trade pre and post-market.   When I hedge and the market goes down, like today, I am not hedged enough to stop the pain.   If I hedge and the market goes up, I will have hedged too much.    I would appreciate any guidance the community can offer on how to hedge an equity & option portfolio on a daily (not intraday) basis.  Should I be using a leveraged instrument?   Or a volatility instrument?  How do I calculate how much to hedge to purchase? TIA - Matt.

I am still in HUBS

Posted by z0ned on 11th of Aug 2020 at 01:20 pm

I am still in HUBS after the recent breakout.   Looks to me like it is coiling again on the hourly chart.


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