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I didn't use the msm service (visited the website instead), as I am European and found it too cumbersome... Whatsapp would be a great alternative without exploding costs (and higher subscription fee)

but tomorrow the Bundesverfassungsgericht (high court) will decide if the transfers to Greece and so on have been legal.

I beg to differ...

The opposition parties SPD and Grunen in the Bundestag already stated that they will vote for more payments, Euro-bonds and so on.

There is a vast majority in the political class that argues there is no alternative for Germany other than the European unification.

Other opinions get marginalized by calling them nationalism and and by evoking fear of the historical tensions between European nations.

So the Germans will pay, as they did the last 60 years.

The only question is: Will there be a centralized financial control led by the biggest payer, which would be Germany, or will Germany pay without having influence.


Hi Robert50, That looks sound and

Connor's VIX System

Posted by talleyrand on 29th of Jul 2011 at 08:27 am

Hi Robert50,

That looks sound and simple!

What is the name of the book by Conner?



Hello Matt,

these requirements for becoming an "accredited investor" will exclude most members of BPT, I guess.

Maybe there is a way to keep it simple, like it is now ...

I certainly would sit in front of my screen waiting for your intraday signals in realtime, as a daytrader.

Instead of ES I could buy the SSO or UPRO.

No chance for that?

There is a smear campaign

Euro to falter???

Posted by talleyrand on 17th of Jun 2011 at 09:25 am

There is a smear campaign going on against the Euro, to give the Dollar and Pound some breathing time.

The 3 big US-Rating agencies and the mass media are part of the campaign.

If you look at the numbers, Greece is a small part of EU.

Debt problems of UK, USA and Japan are much bigger than that of the Euro-Zone.

Economy also is weaker.

So make your own conclusion of what is going on...

@Michael and @biketastic

SPY system alert IMPORTANT

Posted by talleyrand on 17th of May 2011 at 08:44 am

Thanks for clarifying: Sell position at today's open.

The words "otherwise" and "sell condition" confused me, as I am not a native english speaker, I am afraid of misunderstandings ...

"Hello matt,

I am confused.  Yesterday you told us to go long with another 20 % at the end of day, then close position today at open.

Now I read " otherwise the sell condition for tomorrows open is in effect"

This means that the closing of  position was conditional. Only if we did not enter long yesterday... And as we did enter long, there is no closing of position today.

Did I get it right?


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