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Next Support?

Posted by racerick on 6th of Nov 2008 at 01:44 pm


What do you have for the next support level? I have a horizontal line about 894ish on my 15min charts. Any ideas?

SPX Renko

Posted by racerick on 6th of Nov 2008 at 12:19 pm


Posted by racerick on 6th of Nov 2008 at 12:17 pm


Legging into DEC calls  taking approx 1/3 positions here. As said below don't like that we're seeing almost no buying on these little bounce attempts. If we break 62% fib will close them out.


Posted by racerick on 6th of Nov 2008 at 11:42 am

Nice bounce on BIDU past 30min. At 200ma in 1min now


Posted by racerick on 6th of Nov 2008 at 11:34 am

Agree with you rp, have started legging into some options here, but not loving yet


Posted by racerick on 6th of Nov 2008 at 11:31 am

All these little bounce attempts getting no buying volume considering how much we're down


Posted by racerick on 5th of Nov 2008 at 01:07 pm

Looks like it did rp, hoping for a higher low here. Has a strong horizontal resistance line at 107.50ish


Posted by racerick on 5th of Nov 2008 at 11:42 am

ROFLOL, yep use to have same problem rp. What I ended up doing was taking my supercomputer that was running 6 monitors and replace with 3 standard dells with 2 monitors each. Prob pretty much solved. Fido is a hog though, so still can't keep more than about 6 - 1min charts open w/o it bogging down and this is with 2gig machines.


Posted by racerick on 5th of Nov 2008 at 11:25 am

A bunch rp. One of the guys in my room said like 40 years. LOL. I just tried 1min for 500 days intraday and it took it about 20seconds to pull it. I normally leave mine set for like 30.

They have great customer service and everyone real nice. I just moved my futures acct to not long ago and one of my trading accts. Great commissions but still have some accts at fidelity whose charts I like a little better for some things.

Only problem I've had with TS since from what I can tell you and I trade similarly is that when it gets real busy their charts and quotes get behind including their order matrix. The other day when I was trading Q's and EEV towards EOD they were lagging on px by about .30 on Q's and $4 on EEV. You get the correct px when you enter your order, but matrix doesn't always reflect at that particular moment. So I just keep on one computer and mainly enter trades and use fido charts mainly.


Posted by racerick on 5th of Nov 2008 at 11:12 am

rp, I have some accts there, What do you mean, like time wise in days?


Posted by racerick on 4th of Nov 2008 at 02:55 pm

Getting a nice spike out of DUG here


Posted by racerick on 31st of Oct 2008 at 04:01 pm

I can remember not that long ago daily ATR for the Q's was about .50. Now moves that much in 5min.


Posted by racerick on 31st of Oct 2008 at 03:54 pm

AAPL getting spanked EOD


Posted by racerick on 31st of Oct 2008 at 03:43 pm

Heck of a pullback


Scalping 1200 SSO into the Close

Posted by racerick on 31st of Oct 2008 at 03:42 pm

Careful, crosses selling off

Been leading all day


Scalping 1200 SSO into the Close

Posted by racerick on 31st of Oct 2008 at 03:38 pm

Good luck


Posted by racerick on 31st of Oct 2008 at 11:07 am

Q's having a hard time at 32.70 rp


Posted by racerick on 31st of Oct 2008 at 10:50 am

rp, believe you may be right, darn choppy today



Posted by racerick on 31st of Oct 2008 at 10:35 am

Good stock to position trade, tough daytrader due to jerkiness. Can make hugh moves quick though if you get on right side of it. I normally give it about 4 points leeway, so adjust position size accordingly


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