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GOGO nice move today

Posted by racerick on 17th of Jan 2014 at 11:08 am


Posted by racerick on 15th of Jan 2014 at 01:53 pm

VXX having good day even as market pushes higher. Hmmm

NLNK a rocketship this week




Posted by racerick on 15th of Jan 2014 at 11:22 am
Title: Oil took off this am


Posted by racerick on 13th of Jan 2014 at 12:08 pm

GOGO perking up today


SCMP Update From Thursday Night List

Posted by racerick on 13th of Jan 2014 at 10:45 am

Heck of a move today, Nice call


Posted by racerick on 10th of Jan 2014 at 10:27 am
Title: Nice little BO on AUD this am

Trade Idea - Aggressive traders- KKD

Posted by racerick on 4th of Dec 2013 at 10:26 am

Got hit for 20% couple of days ago on earnings. Nice little BO this am on 5 min. Next resistance area about a point higher if it can get thru 5min 200 here


ACAD - Shares outstanding?

Posted by racerick on 22nd of Dec 2010 at 04:32 am

Means just what it says. Company has until stated time to get market value back up to approx. 1.28/share for a period of at least 10 days or raises enough equity.

Use to be kiss of death to get sent to 'pink sheets', but since Sarbannes Oxley, lot of companies trade there and their marketplace is electronic, so other than a little prestige, and sometimes a small loss of liquidity no real damage done. A ton of good quality companies trade there including tons of bank stocks and some major stocks too. Nestle use to trade there, don't know if they still do but there are a lot of serious companies that do.

A lot of companies don't want to spend the money and do the requirements that listing requires. Generally, financial reporting requirements a lot less strenuous so you get a lot of POS companies too. So you have to be  little more diligent when you're trading stocks on there.



Posted by racerick on 16th of Nov 2010 at 10:39 am

Nice call on THOR, just

THOR Short Update

Posted by racerick on 15th of Nov 2010 at 10:36 am

Nice call on THOR, just covered half at 24.86

Pivots and dividends

New Pivots Section

Posted by racerick on 1st of Nov 2010 at 04:57 am

Two great new features for the site, especially the dividend info. Nice to have in one location. Thanks for the continued improvements.


Posted by racerick on 27th of Oct 2010 at 12:27 pm
Title: Coming back to life

RS bo

Posted by racerick on 1st of Oct 2010 at 09:42 am


Posted by racerick on 29th of Sep 2010 at 09:34 am

TRIT finally working, had good day yesterday and opening strong

There are hundreds of successful methods but first you need to decide what exactly you're looking for. What are your realistic goals? Are you a speculator, long term investor, short term trader or what? Once you decide that then that will narrow down your options.

There's a wealth of info on this site. What's your experience level? It sounds as if you may be getting overwhelmed with ideas and opinions and are not sure which direction to jump, which is easy to do, especially here.

Feel free to pm me with any questions.



Stansbury and Assoc.

Posted by racerick on 21st of Sep 2010 at 07:40 pm

Excellent fundamental research, prob best in the country that's independent. Some of their services tend to be a little expensive. Sign for the basic  PSIA, there free daily newsletter once you subscribe to any of their services is excellent. Sometimes rambles, but a ton of useable tidbits. Very well connected with large following. Not technically oriented but has been getting better in that area.

Money back guarantee on everything.  I subscribe to a number of their services and I'm not much of a subscriber usually. In fact them and this only thing. Try it, if you don't like they'll gladly refund your money.

SPX Chart

Older SPX Chart

Posted by racerick on 15th of Sep 2010 at 09:25 pm

Been looking at this all day, plus on mine if you draw a trendline from head to the next higher low it extends up to about 1220 which is about where it measures out to.


Posted by racerick on 14th of Sep 2010 at 05:33 pm
Title: Stock buyback

Trading futuures

trading futures

Posted by racerick on 29th of Jun 2010 at 07:58 am

I trade futures extensively, especially like to trade between London open and our open for you night owls. Often less chop and better trends.

My primary vehicles are the ES, CL- full oil contract, and ZN-10 yr note futures.

I mainly use 5 and 15min charts as well as watching 30min.

I find that my standard indicators 18ema, 50,100 and 200sma along with an indicator that TOS has called Volume Flow Indicator, which works as name suggests but also shows divergence as a MACD does. (Anote for those of you who have TOS, you do not want to trade against this indicator). I use weekly pivot points in conjunction with Fib fan lines and Andrews pitchfork as well as linear regression line. I also constantly monitor Dx chart, as well as AUD/JPY since often times will lead. Oil and DX inversely correlated majority of time.

Of all of these, CL(oil) is the most profitable consistently for a couple of reasons. First because oil tends to trend, though it can be very volatile short term and 2nd is you can get huge moves quickly. You normally have to carry a .30-.40 stop which on a single full contract is $300-$400. But it's not unusual to have .50-.60 5min candles. On full contract, each point is $1000 so you can see that it can be volatile. I find that oil reacts real well to pitchfork levels as seen in charts below.

These are 2 trades taken last nite:

The first is ES

Here is an expanded view that you can see Pitchfork lines on going futher back. as you can see pf line I covered against this am goes back over a week

Now here is a 15min chart with fan lines on. Notice once again that these originated a week ago

Also notice that the 100maon the 15min chart, light green moving average line, is often very useful as a target and a turning point.

Here is 5min oil chart. I chased the entry a tad, just because it dropped so quick once it broke the top pitchfork line. The horizontal red line I covered off of is an earlier top of pitchfork line from last week

I also find that oil reacts pretty well to the 50ma(blue line) for indicating change of direction and also for containment. You want to have a confluence of several other indicators if you're trading against.


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