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Lot of action this week

Posted by racerick on 9th of Aug 2024 at 04:05 pm

Lot of action this week to have gone Nowhere. SPX closed within 3 pts of last Friday

VIX opened up and trading

Posted by racerick on 5th of Aug 2024 at 03:23 am

VIX opened up and trading almost 18 pts at 41+

Got almost a 40pt bounce

Posted by racerick on 5th of Aug 2024 at 03:05 am

Got almost a 40pt bounce on ES and 200 on NQ and it's still ugly. BTC was down over 12k, which is like 20%. Has bounced back to -11,000. Question isdoes the PPT team spring into action in the am.

BTC down 9600, ES 140

Posted by racerick on 5th of Aug 2024 at 01:51 am

BTC down 9600, ES 140 and NQ over 900 - Today going to be margin call hell for some I'm afraid unless something happens between now and the open

Bitcoin Crashes Below $50K Briefly, Crypto Market Records Over $1B In Liquidations In 24 Hours

Make that NQ down over 1100

They are flat killing these

Posted by racerick on 4th of Aug 2024 at 11:42 pm

They are flat killing these futures. I'm just hoping we don't have a black swan Monday. Just got $1.25 on some ES 0dte 5330/25 put spreads

Selling relentless here

Posted by racerick on 18th of Apr 2024 at 10:15 pm

Selling relentless here

y, nice 25pt rip up in 10min

I got long the Yen a couple of days ago when you mentioned. Has been a great trade. Thanks

Saw this last week, doesn't sound great for BTC mining stocks -

I like this synopsis Matt

Happy Friday and good morning

Posted by racerick on 26th of Jan 2024 at 09:06 am

I like this synopsis Matt

Gold nice move past couple

Crude Oil

Posted by racerick on 12th of Jan 2024 at 07:09 am

Gold nice move past couple of hours too

We had some decent ND

System update

Posted by racerick on 27th of Apr 2023 at 03:35 pm

We had some decent ND on that last push up, but sure not in a hurry to pull back much.

Question is, where does it

System update

Posted by racerick on 27th of Apr 2023 at 03:11 pm

Question is, where does it go from here, trying a short from 56.50. thanks for posting these Matt

At your target, sheesh

System update

Posted by racerick on 27th of Apr 2023 at 03:02 pm

At your target, sheesh

20 year range on ES

Posted by racerick on 26th of Mar 2023 at 05:30 pm

20 year range on ES Seasonality

Ever since Yellen started talking,

Posted by racerick on 21st of Mar 2023 at 10:20 am

Ever since Yellen started talking, bank stocks going down, lol

Sold some BOIL Sept $3

Posted by racerick on 20th of Mar 2023 at 09:51 am

Sold some BOIL Sept $3 puts at .85 - if I get put that'll give me a cost of 2.15. I'll live with that. If not that'll be 30% in 6months  in a tax free acct.

Gold hit 2015 and about

Posted by racerick on 20th of Mar 2023 at 05:25 am

Gold hit 2015 and about a 20pt pullback

Looks like a look below and fail at 3900 so far though. 43 pt bounce so far  and I sat here and missed it. 110 pt bounce on NQ - Did catch a nice short off of 40 - have a 15min ATR there and my vwap at 39. Good for 10 pts so far.


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