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Funny story, my son signed


Posted by mmunford on 17th of Oct 2011 at 08:16 am

Funny story, my son signed over 6000 shares for a car loan to me last month. What is a father to do??? says I have to split it...oh well

Interesting, I am still holding


Posted by mmunford on 17th of Oct 2011 at 07:44 am

Interesting, I am still holding a small position. Thanks for the heads up Mark

And how do you interpret


Posted by mmunford on 16th of Oct 2011 at 08:57 pm

And how do you interpret it. Looks like we could see a big decline soon. Mark

Boogy  up or down, I

boogy at 1166.50 on the /es

Posted by mmunford on 7th of Oct 2011 at 03:30 pm

Boogy  up or down, I go by time instead of price now...go figure


you are scaring me  

Gap of recognition alert.....

Posted by mmunford on 3rd of Oct 2011 at 03:34 pm

you are scaring me


Title: financials can they really go

Posted by mmunford on 3rd of Oct 2011 at 03:24 pm
Title: financials

thanks for the comment, my

taken out

Posted by mmunford on 26th of Aug 2011 at 12:54 pm

thanks for the comment, my gut was to just watch and not use the stop

taken out

Posted by mmunford on 26th of Aug 2011 at 12:39 pm

what do the traders see on their computers? I had a Stop on FAZ of 58.60 when it was trading at 59, took me out then ran up to 59.40 WOW


Comments on Gold

Posted by mmunford on 23rd of Aug 2011 at 03:44 pm

mine said the same thing? I am thinking SDS at the end of the day though...any comments?

good or bad?


Posted by mmunford on 2nd of Jun 2011 at 03:38 pm

what is the long side of the DUST symb? Anyone


and then it!

actually worried now

Posted by mmunford on 2nd of Jun 2011 at 02:25 pm

and then it!

he will be missed

RIP Mark Haines

Posted by mmunford on 25th of May 2011 at 10:50 am

he will be missed

Hi Matt

I just signed up for the SPY Swing system and I am currently in the GDX. Is the SPY long right now?





GDX BPGDM system

Posted by mmunford on 5th of Apr 2011 at 03:44 pm

is it still short?



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