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SAVE ... Nice hammer on

Posted by mla127 on 18th of Jan 2024 at 07:35 pm

SAVE ... Nice hammer on massive volume here ...  


TSLA ???  

Posted by mla127 on 18th of Jan 2024 at 10:33 am


A little EOD Ramp to

Posted by mla127 on 17th of Jan 2024 at 03:57 pm

A little EOD Ramp to put in a last minute paint job on today's action ... ;) 

KWEB Weekly ...  looked week

CBAT Updated View

Posted by mla127 on 17th of Jan 2024 at 03:02 pm

KWEB Weekly ...  looked week and acted as such ...   last numbers from the commie paradise feels like a wet blanket on all markets 

Steve, you should release you travel schedule for the next few months ...   we could do some excellent calendar based option strategy with this ...     

BA Monthly ... never expected a plane would loose a door when I initially looked for resistance ...   but after 2020 .... nothing surprises me anymore     


Posted by mla127 on 17th of Jan 2024 at 10:06 am


SARK ...   Enjoying life on my SARK raft while watching the ARKK crew tryin' to plug leaks  ....

EGLE - Eagle Bulk Shipping,

Posted by mla127 on 16th of Jan 2024 at 10:07 am

EGLE - Eagle Bulk Shipping, one of their ship took a direct hits yesterday from a Houthi fired anti-ship missile ... Looks like they didn't hit it on that neckline ... ship still afloat 


Posted by mla127 on 15th of Jan 2024 at 01:14 pm

NOC / FQVLF  (First Quantum

Posted by mla127 on 15th of Jan 2024 at 01:12 pm / FQVLF  (First Quantum Minerals) ...  They are kinda of stuck in a cluster f...  with the Panama Government  over it's copper mining license ... so trade this accordingly    

FCG Weekly/Monthly ... still stalking this ... 

SARK .... 

That's part of trading ...

Nice pop on URA.

Posted by mla127 on 12th of Jan 2024 at 10:01 am

That's part of trading ...  I get it, I'm venting here too at time s... ... but  for me trading is more managing risk now than hypothetical profits  ...  you manage risk properly , profits will come in steady ...  I used to swing for the fence all the time with oversized position and getting striked out many times ... I had wild swings in my equity curve, large draw down, etc....  now it's the opposite ...i look to constantly hit singles and doubles ... but i'm always in the game ...   I want a steady increasing equity curve, without any wild swings ... and  I sleep much better at night   

SPX up ... VIX up

Posted by mla127 on 12th of Jan 2024 at 09:46 am

SPX up ... VIX up ...   

I feel shorting this one like ... 

MCK ... Loosing the 50

Posted by mla127 on 11th of Jan 2024 at 06:18 pm

MCK ... Loosing the 50 and horizontal support ...  you'll need more seasoning here if you're long.

it is often the case when Steve goes away ...   now that both of them are ...  things could get rowdy ...      ... 

This market just wants to

Posted by mla127 on 11th of Jan 2024 at 02:51 pm

This market just wants to go up ...  hotter inflation? bring something hotter than that ... need some Carolina Reaper here to get things spicy  ...otherwise it's up  ...  

SARK ... Continuing sipping mojitos on my SARK raft as the ARKK is takin' in water ... 


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