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hmmm, didn't manage to post

possible IHS on the euro 5 min

Posted by isplat on 6th of Jul 2011 at 02:02 pm

hmmm, didn't manage to post the image first time around... looks like it's not playing out anyway!

or this... INDU 1 min 30

possible IHS on the euro 5 min

Posted by isplat on 6th of Jul 2011 at 01:57 pm

or this... INDU 1 min

30 DOW points in it.

fixed now

5 min Tick

Posted by isplat on 1st of Jul 2011 at 10:25 am

fixed now

5 min Tick

Posted by isplat on 1st of Jul 2011 at 10:22 am

Tick value stuck at 391 on dynamic chart... or is it just me?

Thanks jambo

INDU 1 min

Posted by isplat on 29th of Jun 2011 at 02:25 pm

been taking lessons with Kobie  Laughing

Target hit.

INDU 1 min

Posted by isplat on 29th of Jun 2011 at 02:12 pm

Target hit.

DOW wedge

INDU 1 min

Posted by isplat on 29th of Jun 2011 at 01:55 pm

playing out, target is 12245-ish.

INDU 1 min

Posted by isplat on 29th of Jun 2011 at 01:20 pm

rising wedge

INDU ascending triangle measures up

EURUSD 5 min

Posted by isplat on 28th of Jun 2011 at 01:57 pm

INDU ascending triangle measures up to 12192, approximately.

EURUSD 5 min

Posted by isplat on 28th of Jun 2011 at 01:49 pm

bullish falling wedge, INDU 5 min bullish ascending triangle. Another high would set up nice divergence.

Right now it's 5 p.m. where Kobie is... don't think he's still asleep Wink

Kobie, jou doring! Laughing

One more higher high would give us nice divergence on the 5 min MACD...


Indu1, inverse HS target reached exactly!

Posted by isplat on 16th of Jun 2011 at 03:51 pm

Something like "you rock". Quite untranslatable actually, but  certainly a compliment. There was a great rugby player once by the name of Danie Gerber, one of the quickest centers in the business, he was dubbed "die Doring van Despatch"... Despatch was his home town. Cool

Kobie, jou doring!!!

Indu1, inverse HS target reached exactly!

Posted by isplat on 16th of Jun 2011 at 03:35 pm

Second target hit!


Indu1, inverse HS....

Posted by isplat on 15th of Jun 2011 at 08:25 am

I did know Ravun, and he was indeed excellent at TA. Neither Kobie nor myself are Ravun masquerading under a different name. Unfortunately, I heard only yesterday that our friend is in very, very deep trouble in SA... not for the first time, I might add!

Sorry guys

Indu1, inverse HS....

Posted by isplat on 14th of Jun 2011 at 04:27 pm

forgive Kobie and me for yapping on in a strange language - just two South Africans saying Hi, since it's after trading hours.

Ek is 'n ou Capey

Indu1, inverse HS....

Posted by isplat on 14th of Jun 2011 at 04:18 pm

Ek is 'n ou Capey wat vir sy sondes verban is Duitsland toe! En my Afrikaans is ongelukkig taamlik vrot deesdae, deur gebrek aan oefening. FrownMaar dankie vir jou fantastiese mark-insigte, ek waardeer dit baie!


Posted by isplat on 14th of Jun 2011 at 03:07 pm

Neg divergence and 60 period stoch has been over 80 all day - chances are we'll dip tomorrow, I reckon.

Kobie jou doring!!! 

Indu1, inverse HS....

Posted by isplat on 14th of Jun 2011 at 02:30 pm

Kobie jou doring!!!  Cool


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