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Sorry I would not know

SPX again

Posted by hornsant on 26th of May 2009 at 05:48 pm

Sorry I would not know how to do it cause stockcharts is the only way for me to post, I use Fenix platform but I can not post those charts in the blog or even email them.

Dylan it is not about


Posted by hornsant on 26th of May 2009 at 04:41 pm

Dylan it is not about politics it's about trade, those guys have been arround for longer than we can remember and they want to play the same old game that they always have in history: They provide the goods for the rest of the world. They have always had Tinanmens, it seems to be the only way that they can be ruled. Mandarins did the same. But Commies or not they trade and they have done it for about 5000 years and will keep doing so. They knew about currency manouvers long before the West had an organized society. In an English Antiques magazine I read an article that cites a letter writen by the London furniture manufacturers to King George III in 1715, and if you change the dates and signatures you get the same letter that GM could have written to President BO just a few weeks ago.

So do I waaaaaah,  but

SPX again

Posted by hornsant on 26th of May 2009 at 04:23 pm

So do I waaaaaah,  but it seems like we will still have to go to 915...the problem with the wedges is that they change as you post them

SPX again

Posted by hornsant on 26th of May 2009 at 03:53 pm

You are absolutely right Matt

spx 905

Posted by hornsant on 26th of May 2009 at 03:28 pm

You are absolutely right Matt the wrong doings of the rulers are always badly felt by those who are ruled... it is perfectly unfair but you have to understand that the rest of the global trading comunity it sick of getting the dollar boot right where it hurts every time.

I did not want to


Posted by hornsant on 26th of May 2009 at 03:23 pm

I did not want to post it like that but you are right, it's already history

I think that you have

spx 905

Posted by hornsant on 26th of May 2009 at 03:00 pm

I think that you have a point there and the chinese are quite right at asking for a new currency... that is the diference this time arround, the chinese are back in the trade after some two hundred years and that changes the scenario from prior recesions when the USA always inflated their way out and every one else had to agree. I think that this time it is not going to be that simple, I personaly belive that it would be far better to have a currency other than the dollar for global trade. And the whole world away from the USA understands it like that, the reasons are on the table for all to see. The USA spends as it finds someone to pay for the bill it is getting a bit to predictable.

Ravun SPX

Posted by hornsant on 26th of May 2009 at 02:35 pm

Is this is a new wedge or does it still need to go a little higher before it plays out ?$SPX&p=15&yr=0&mn=0&dy=9&id=p16476777814&a=160210628&listNum=-1


bad for the bears

Posted by hornsant on 26th of May 2009 at 11:17 am

Remember that Bloomberg is a market driven show. And they change their stance faster than you can trade... their moving averagesare extremely fast


Posted by hornsant on 26th of May 2009 at 11:12 am

Is looking good on a continuation patern.

The thing is that it

consumer confidence

Posted by hornsant on 26th of May 2009 at 10:42 am

The thing is that it does not feel like the right environment to put money to work. I am a bit stuned by the manipulative nature of numbers that should reflect real economic conditions... because the money I put to work every time I trade is real, but that is just MHO.

Gap 2

Filled the gap

Posted by hornsant on 26th of May 2009 at 10:21 am

The second gap has been taken @ 903. Do you see more room to the upside ?

consumer confidence

Posted by hornsant on 26th of May 2009 at 10:05 am

Do any of you here in BPT feel extra confident as the rest of the consumers feel ?


Posted by hornsant on 21st of May 2009 at 12:08 pm

Seems to have intraday support at 21.00, lets see if it holds and closes above.

Chinese Yuan

Posted by hornsant on 21st of May 2009 at 11:47 am

Please, Does anybody know the tiker to trade the yuan ? Hopefully not an ETF or if so with no leverage. Thank's.


Posted by hornsant on 19th of May 2009 at 05:05 pm

BAC, UYG, XLF giving back in AH. Something we are missing ?


Posted by hornsant on 19th of May 2009 at 04:33 pm

Results where in-line, the mkt not to exited.


Posted by hornsant on 19th of May 2009 at 10:17 am

Libor has come down, the banks have the liquidity but still they don't make interbank loans, the reason could be that their colateral is to poor and the higher their stocks go the riskier the colateral gets, no matter how high they take this rally it won't get things going, but it is not adviceable to short it cause you are betting against the liquidity of the business there.


Bombay Market

Posted by hornsant on 19th of May 2009 at 08:57 am

If we have started to take notice of what happens in the Bombay mkt is because something MUST be very very wrong.

Bwaaa, it did not copy


Posted by hornsant on 18th of May 2009 at 04:04 pm

Bwaaa, it did not copy the trend line but you can figure it out.


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