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S&P 60 Minut 233 cci

Posted by hillsyde on 7th of Oct 2009 at 08:16 am

It looks like, if the CCI 233 doesn't go back above 100 real soon..... Look out below Surprised

It definitely looks like the bag is being passed to retail..........

SPX Daily - Backtest? 1 more try

Posted by hillsyde on 6th of Oct 2009 at 01:34 pm

SPX Daily - Backtest?

Posted by hillsyde on 6th of Oct 2009 at 01:29 pm


Posted by hillsyde on 6th of Oct 2009 at 01:26 pm



Dynamic Links

Posted by hillsyde on 24th of Aug 2009 at 09:44 am

I was having the same problem viewing the Stockcharts annotations.  It is probably due to my browser security settings but there are two workarounds that work for me.  Ensure you are logged in to

After you click the link and you are taken to a Stockchart chart that does not show annotations, click to highlight the address line that was passed to the firefox from the link and hit the enter key.

or alternatively:

Right click the link, select copy, then and paste it into a browser window that is logged in to, then hit enter

I was having the same problem viewing the Stockcharts annotations.  It is probably due to my browser security settings but there are two workarounds that work for me.  Ensure you are logged in to

After you click the link and you are taken to a Stockchart chart that does not show annotations, click to highlight the address line that was passed to the firefox from the link and hit the enter key.

or alternatively:

Right click the link and paste it into a browser window that is logged in to

MATT, Way to go!

market trend

Posted by hillsyde on 25th of Jul 2009 at 12:51 pm

Sticky:Stockcharts Linksnow work for me with all annotations!

Chart annotations

Posted by hillsyde on 24th of Jul 2009 at 04:19 pm

I have always had that problem.  A work around that does it for me is to right click on the chart link. Then paste it into the browser address line of a browser window that is already logged into StockCharts. com................ good luck

Euro Yen Cross

Posted by hillsyde on 23rd of Jul 2009 at 11:11 am

At Resistance........

2nd try..Real bad news for real estate

Posted by hillsyde on 16th of Jul 2009 at 03:35 pm

Real bad news for real estate

Posted by hillsyde on 16th of Jul 2009 at 03:27 pm

Why be Bearish? Richard Russell

Posted by hillsyde on 15th of Jul 2009 at 01:50 pm
Title: Lowry's Buying/Selling pressure

BDI Flagging or rolling over?

Posted by hillsyde on 6th of Jul 2009 at 11:02 pm

Up-Down volume indication

Posted by hillsyde on 27th of Jun 2009 at 01:34 pm
Title: Article link


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