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treasury yields

Posted by hazbin1 on 7th of Feb 2011 at 01:43 pm
Title: anticipating a forthcoming trading opportunity


CCME is on fire

Posted by hazbin1 on 3rd of Feb 2011 at 02:42 pm

Steve, good catch on this one, got stopped out already at 12.7, didn't even make a full point!!! Money mouth

FOMC loosing control?

Interest Rates and TBT

Posted by hazbin1 on 3rd of Feb 2011 at 02:35 pm
Title: not necessarily


CCME is on fire

Posted by hazbin1 on 3rd of Feb 2011 at 02:04 pm

apparently the folks over at Muddy Waters, initiated coverage with sell tgt 5.28.  hmmm


great timing Steve, long from 11.75

Bernanke update - Q & E session

Posted by hazbin1 on 3rd of Feb 2011 at 01:43 pm
Title: QE3 trigger?

Bernanke speech

Posted by hazbin1 on 3rd of Feb 2011 at 01:31 pm
Title: summary

Bernanke on cnbc now

Posted by hazbin1 on 3rd of Feb 2011 at 01:06 pm



Posted by hazbin1 on 3rd of Feb 2011 at 10:05 am

Ditch, check news I show earnings reported last nite


GDX Daily

Posted by hazbin1 on 3rd of Feb 2011 at 09:07 am


if that daily chart were viewed as a head and shoulders configuration - is that possible?  (H @ 64.19 R/S @ 62.02), what would it measure down to?

and just wait

when it rains it pours

Posted by hazbin1 on 2nd of Feb 2011 at 04:31 pm

Matt, in a few months, with a kid in tow, you'll just laugh at today as this day will be a 'slow' day in the annals of Daddyhood... Wink

nice call Baker, thanx,  plz keep them coming Money mouth


Posted by hazbin1 on 1st of Feb 2011 at 03:24 pm

Matt, per the watch list, any thoughts on an entry at the close, near where the watchlist had an entry?

Title: stats

gold contract liquidation last monday

Posted by hazbin1 on 28th of Jan 2011 at 12:32 pm
Title: yahoo article - insight to 1 cause of recent pullback

spx 5

SPX 30

Posted by hazbin1 on 28th of Jan 2011 at 11:05 am

fwiw: watching trend down day off the 8ema, each bounce is sold, looks same on RUT, for now anyway

egyptian unrest

Posted by hazbin1 on 28th of Jan 2011 at 10:39 am
Title: will it spread



Posted by hazbin1 on 28th of Jan 2011 at 10:31 am

kobie, that chart is  indu Undecided


Posted by hazbin1 on 28th of Jan 2011 at 10:02 am

fyi, cnbc says nasdaq reporting data reporting issue for this index, no idea when will be corrected.. effecting sox and xau indices too.


QPSA Update

Posted by hazbin1 on 27th of Jan 2011 at 10:33 am

silly me, saw the popup and saw the b/o spread and ran away. OOOPPS Cry


Posted by hazbin1 on 27th of Jan 2011 at 09:52 am

from the newletter last nite, looking good so far.


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