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Posted by googool on 20th of Aug 2008 at 11:05 pm

I just remembered something, DIG gapped up, and then backtracked into the gap, and rallied again, this is very bullish, and I, personally have raised my stop to below the gap, if it really wants to move, it should not take it anytime soon, also, close to lower rim of the gap can be a low risk entry point 

matt, thak you for thinking


Posted by googool on 20th of Aug 2008 at 09:13 pm

matt, thak you for thinking of me, I guess the question was asked by another poster, as for myself, I think DIG is coming out of a C wave, and looking good. Too soon to say if we get another abc set or not,

And yes, I have done double dip at the lows and releasing the second dip at the top, so far so good.

BTW, take a look at RIG, it's coming out of a triple correction, if it breaks, it may go nicely

U R RITE,   watching quote streams

Watch List Enhancement

Posted by googool on 20th of Aug 2008 at 06:09 pm



watching quote streams has made me blind!

Watch List Enhancement

Posted by googool on 20th of Aug 2008 at 05:38 pm

Steve, Matt,

is it possible to have a hyperlink on active and pending watch list items to take us to the stockcharts chart you maintain, that way a single click during the day will keep us up to date.

yes, seems like SPX is

spy 60min

Posted by googool on 20th of Aug 2008 at 04:00 pm

yes, seems like SPX is working on a small wave 4 up, it should gather steam in oversold areas, which, IMHO, might provide a new short initiation spot

This is a stat I do

Posted by googool on 19th of Aug 2008 at 09:08 pm

This is a stat I do not hear on CNBC

PPI change from year ago = 12%[1][id]=PPIFCG&s[1][transformation]=pc1

picked a bunch of VLO


Posted by googool on 19th of Aug 2008 at 03:28 pm

picked a bunch of VLO calls in the morning, am gonna dump most and keep as much as it gives me a cost 0, or less :-)

thanks, doc for the heads up

define your time frame, it


Posted by googool on 19th of Aug 2008 at 01:41 pm

define your time frame, it is susceptible to pullback on lower frames, on daily, it looks  like a good trigger, after you define your time frame, define your stop, define your target, see if it is good profile, and have fun

when cramer says it, we


Posted by googool on 19th of Aug 2008 at 01:39 pm

when cramer says it, we probaly are close to start a run somewhere, so, I will expect a good run out of some depressed areas of the market.

thanks, DOC, I'll be on


Posted by googool on 19th of Aug 2008 at 10:52 am

thanks, DOC, I'll be on it



Posted by googool on 19th of Aug 2008 at 10:27 am


if it makes a new low on me on 60min close basis, it will go, I have dumped into run ups, so, a new low will still leave me with some gains

The Free Fall of the Casinos

Posted by googool on 19th of Aug 2008 at 10:07 am

I love these Casinos, some may poo, poo Elliott Wave, but it has kept me on the right side of every turn on these casinos

they may or may not,


Posted by googool on 19th of Aug 2008 at 09:21 am

they may or may not, in the short to medium term, market may perceive this as higher rates and FED fighting inflation. Such perception may cause further pressure. Such pressure may cause more unwinding and de-leveraging, such action may dessimate any portfolio that tries to ride any probable massacre out.

It is, IMHO, in the interest of all officials for the commodity market to break. If they smell blood, they'll go for the kill.

my broker differentiates between the

what am i doing wrong

Posted by googool on 19th of Aug 2008 at 12:01 am

my broker differentiates between the two, buy stop becomes market order on stop

but stop limit becomes limit order on stop.

but the general idea is obvious, you need to check with you brokers order types

you should use a stop

what am i doing wrong

Posted by googool on 18th of Aug 2008 at 11:03 pm

you should use a stop buyorder

which were actually foreseeable as


Posted by googool on 18th of Aug 2008 at 12:08 am

which were actually foreseeable as demonstrated by other strategists.

You have a good point here. I still interpret the whole thing in the context of the universe they impact and thos ewho inhabit that universe, but I see your point and it is valid to me.

I do not consider the


Posted by googool on 17th of Aug 2008 at 10:31 pm

I do not consider the Fed's "guarantee of Fannie paper" to have been a Black Swan event because Fannie and Freddie have long been considered to have an "implicit" federal guarantee,

OK, but in his last conference call, Coxe said he did not expect such measures to be taken by the officials, so that was his black swan, I see all things relative, in his universe, he did not expect it and those who followed his advice suffered, many of his followers are hedge funds who have been running with the commodity idea

in two confrence call prior to that, he said, for gold all systems were go, and that stood in absolute contrast with what I was seeing studying internal dynamics of the gold sector

maybe you do not agree with my interpretation of black swan, and that is fine, otherwise we would not be having this discussion

you see, all I was trying to say was that what Donald Coxe believes in, however valid, may be at this moment is not the best idea to pursue. and as for Black Swan, I think when a strategist whose advice influences investment decision of billions of dollars, by his own admission,  cannot see what you could see, that, to me, can be interpreted as a black swan in that universe of gargantuan finance, it may have very dire consequences -- hedge funds failing, further drops in oil and gold, S&P running away from the bear?

 Charts, however showed it all the time, that gold stocks were breaking, base metal stocks were breaking, oil stock were breaking.

he did not see that, maybe he sees decades ahead, but one needs stretch one's capital onto decades ahead

I'm not sure what you're referring to with respect to the "Fed's removing risk from Pet banks".

To me, by restricting the short sale of a select group, the full force of SEC, FED, Treasury, .... is saying, it is safe to invest in banks, whatever it takes, they'll do it, it is a question of paper versus metal, the crisis that was brewing was a paper crisis, a confidence crisis, and what they did was an indication to the market that it would be safe to be on the side of banks, that forced the short covering rally, and if they can push the hedgies over, it may turn into a full blown blood bath resulting in a market melt up, and change bring about a bout of assett deflation

Again, I have nothing but admiration for the man himself, and the thinker he is, and that admiration has grown even more, when he admited lack of foresight, no ifs, no buts, no bullshit, just that he did not excpect it, 

and I am glad that I learned how to read charts and do my own analysis regardless of whether others agree with my methods or not, that will be it becomes my mistake to make and no other's

fair enough martin, but as you


Posted by googool on 17th of Aug 2008 at 07:40 pm

fair enough martin,

but as you said:

"Since Black Swanevents are unexpected, infrequent, high-impact events which are unpredictable or extremely difficult to predict,"

don't you agree that Russin attack on Georgia, Fed guarantee of Fannie paper, Fed removing risk from Pet banks, are as you say,  " unexpected, infrequent, high-impact events which are unpredictable or extremely difficult to predict"by all historical norms, an as such qualify as black sawn events. It's really OK, we can disagree forever, and that's fine, our interpretation of the matter differs, but I see events them and interpret them as I do, and they may prove the undoing of this cycle of the commodity market and the a real run in broader equity markets.

BTW, there is no way you or anyone, big or small, can embaress me, why would I feel embaressed, I either know something, or I will learn it, no shame in learning,


and if you read my


Posted by googool on 17th of Aug 2008 at 05:32 pm

and if you read my first message again, you will notice I said

 "but following the charts may help us sidestep them"

I used the word may, nothing definitive, if an act is to be taken by the treasury department that would change  the market, that act is a black swan to me, but maybe someone bigger than me knows about, and he may take market action that will not make sense when it happens, but the charts will show.

Don Coxe did not expect guarantees given on Fannie paper, that was his Black Swan, market knew about them, charts showed them.

all i was trying to point out, was that macro level fundamentals (like china growing for many years) are susceptible to many events unforseen, and charts MAY (not should, not would, but MAY) show them,

I realy think this should be an off topic discussion


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