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Nice buy Matt, I think

CRON follow up

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 19th of Oct 2021 at 01:34 pm

Nice buy Matt, I think the whole space is bottoming here. CGC, TLRY also high flyers to look at. The etf for the group is MJ


Up from very low $200s a share when I posted in May to now $307. Not a bad move.   

great comments in the newsletter Matt, shorts have been getting chewed up short term..becoming likely that we see a gap fill lower or two soon and that consolidation pattern play out. One day and price at a time

gotta love when those fibs

SPX 60 min follow up

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 7th of Oct 2021 at 10:10 am

gotta love when those fibs align with the open gaps! 

JOBY looks like a bottoming

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 7th of Oct 2021 at 10:08 am

JOBY looks like a bottoming pattern here. Even the bears at Morgan Stanley have a $16 price target on it this year. Trading at $9 here is hilarious. Long term they favor $45-60 per share on the stock. 

Joby purchased Ubercopter a while back and retained the talent. They are the only approved provider out there with thousands of test flights. The big money is in, Toyota invested $640 million, will be building the planes, and executives don't bonus until the stock hits $50.  This is part of the future travel solution, electric plane transportation. Quiet as a drone and studies proven by NASA. I've posted prior about it. Great long term risk/reward. I'm long some warrants and would happy to add, though don't think its going a lot lower barring a general stock market crash. 

A rare situation indeed.

SPX there is a gap

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 7th of Oct 2021 at 10:00 am

SPX there is a gap now below at 4,363.55 from yesterday's close. We have a gap above still at 4,443.11. Everything else is noise now short term. Let's see which one fills first. Risk/reward

Our son and grandson live in that area, we are headed there and to Orlando for the week on Friday. We lived in FL for 6 years before our recent move before the holidays last year. I'll have to miss Cathie on this trip, maybe next time   

ARKK   Cathie Wood’s Ark Investment

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 6th of Oct 2021 at 02:25 pm


Cathie Wood’s Ark Investment to relocate to Florida

Asset manager joins growing number of firms trading New York for warmer weather and lower taxes:

SPX filled a lower gap

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 6th of Oct 2021 at 01:56 pm

SPX filled a lower gap earlier around 4,300. Now it looks like it wants to fill the first higher gap at 4,345.72. Most volatility we have seen all year recently. Makes for nice quicker trades for now. 

BFI, I just took a

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 6th of Oct 2021 at 01:50 pm

BFI, I just took a good sized position in BFIIW, the warrants for $1.30. Still have room to add up to 50% more to my position, though I don't think I'll get the chance. Ridiculous valuation here created by sell programs pushing around a small amount of shares. A lifetime risk/reward opportunity to buy for me. 

I don't know what it does today, tomorrow, etc. But looking some time out, the return potential here is massive. They are running a tight ship and executing, margins are starting to increase, good cash position, and franchisees are opening new stores. I've done a lot of work here. Read the new investment update deck from their website: 

Also, the investorswebsite here:

Best in your investment decisions,  


I got time and the

ES 240 Minute

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 6th of Oct 2021 at 09:46 am

I got time and the cash to deploy, will be here waiting if/when it happens

SPX current gaps on the

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 6th of Oct 2021 at 09:19 am

SPX current gaps on the cash index: 

Upside: 4,345.72 and 4,443.11

Downside: 4,300.46 and 4,258.49 

I use these with the extreme pivots as a guide for my plan. Risk/reward

Bring it all down hard

ES 240 Minute

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 6th of Oct 2021 at 09:15 am

Bring it all down hard please so I can buy my discount inventory for next year   

wow, 4,357.04 just filled on the upside, looks like a trend day so far.

Gap at 4,300.46 now as

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 5th of Oct 2021 at 09:34 am

Gap at 4,300.46 now as well (yesterday's close)

There is a gap at 4,258.49, pretty close to that 4,250 major support if it goes that direction. Two gaps on the upside now, one at 4,357.04 and one at 4,443.11. 

SPX a 34 is very

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 1st of Oct 2021 at 10:12 am

SPX a 34 is very low on the RSI for the shorter term picture, so we could see a bounce here anytime. Its also weak enough for a washout. I prefer to just let the market show me. Would be nice to just see the washout then the entry would be easy to make, unfortunately markets don't operate or do what I'd like. So I'll take what they give me and adjust accordingly. 

I call them garbage gaps and glad it filled, sets up much better for the cash market picture. 

If it holds here, we rally to the 4,443.11 gap near the 50 day. If not, we head toward the 4,258.49 gap area. The onus is on the bulls as you'd say.   

Its still the top holding of the fund, over 10%, this is common as good fund managers trim into strength and buy other assets that are on sale from longer term perspectives. That's what she did there adding to Upath, which is now the 11th largest holding of the fund. 


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