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Get well soon, Steve!

Posted by frtaylor on 28th of Oct 2012 at 11:42 pm

Though we all miss your audio, obviously it's so much more important to take care of yourself.  At least it's a stomach bug and not influenza.  Anyway, it looks like the market makers heard you were sick and they closed the markets!

FSLR - up from here?


Posted by frtaylor on 25th of Oct 2012 at 09:20 pm

kalinm, looks like FSLR has successfully backtested.  I like the last three days' candlesticks - all sporting tails or "shadows."  Only thing I don't like is the low volume.  Still watching, not sure if I'm ready to buy.  Could be developing a bear flag as the alternate interpretation.

kalinm, thanks for keeping up


Posted by frtaylor on 22nd of Oct 2012 at 10:24 pm

kalinm, thanks for keeping up on FSLR!  I think given the way the debate went tonight (Obama appears to have come out w/ a win), FSLR could pop as soon as tomorrow.

MACD on the 15 min

SPX 5 min

Posted by frtaylor on 19th of Oct 2012 at 01:51 pm

MACD on the 15 min looks terrible - no divergence, and buried below the readings for the previous low of 1425.53.

Surprised to see that the

SPX 5 View

Posted by frtaylor on 19th of Oct 2012 at 01:02 pm

Surprised to see that the 144 sto on the 15 min SPX isn't below 20.  Watching the triple stochastic chart (60, 89, 144), for a possible signal.  Won't happen today from the looks of it.

Well, the market has been

question about divergence

Posted by frtaylor on 19th of Oct 2012 at 12:58 pm

Well, the market has been going down hard, so I guess that means this type of divergence is bearish, right?

Matt, thx for the comments on gold/silver.  I'd like to sell a puts on SLV after it drops more.  Also looking for a GLD or DGP entry on gold.

question about divergence

Posted by frtaylor on 19th of Oct 2012 at 11:41 am

On the 15 min chart, the SPX right now is showing a divergence between the MACD and price, but it's the opposite of what is normal:  price is not making a lower low, but the MACD is .  Is this bearish?  I can't imagine it's bullish.  Or is it irrelevant?



As always, thanks for taking

GDX Views

Posted by frtaylor on 18th of Oct 2012 at 02:56 pm

As always, thanks for taking the time to answer. Smile

Steve, do you believe GDX

GDX Views

Posted by frtaylor on 18th of Oct 2012 at 02:22 pm

Steve, do you believe GDX won't correct to below the low of 50.81?  I've seen other charts that indicate it could go down to around 48.  Of course, no one knows, and mostly it will depend on what gold does.  Thanks for the charts, I'm short from yesterday at 53.05.

You called that one.  

SPX 15 min

Posted by frtaylor on 18th of Oct 2012 at 01:07 pm

You called that one.   Cool

200 dma just overhead at


Posted by frtaylor on 17th of Oct 2012 at 01:59 pm

200 dma just overhead at 27.52.  May need to consolidate for a few days.

XME etf

Posted by frtaylor on 17th of Oct 2012 at 09:14 am

I've been trading and now watching the XME etf for a while.  It tracks the S&P metals and mining select industry sector.  The etf's top holdings include FCX, NEM, AA, CNX, NUE, BTU, RGLD, CLF, RS, and ANV.  It seems like a good etf as an inflation trade as well as a recovering economy.  I posted the chart a couple days ago.

Matt and Steve, or others, I'd love to hear your thoughts on XME chart-wise, and generally how you think it should behave going forward given its makeup.  Am I too bullish on this etf?  I got out near the top of the channel a few days back and am hoping for a pullback.   If gold pulls back further that should help, but it really tracks differently than GDX, due to the coal/steel/aluminum components, which have been doing well (CLF in the last two days!).

In it due to the

FAZ Daily

Posted by frtaylor on 16th of Oct 2012 at 09:44 am

In it due to the chart posted w/ downtrend line last week and the discussion surrounding it, and I had some positions to hedge.  FAZ position small.  I may just bail here even before the stop; waiting to see if the market gap is going to hold.


FAZ Daily

Posted by frtaylor on 16th of Oct 2012 at 09:37 am


Steve, I bought some FAZ

FAZ Daily

Posted by frtaylor on 16th of Oct 2012 at 09:24 am

Steve, I bought some FAZ yesterday, but it's weak this morning.  I have a stop at 16.63, below the low of last Thursday.  Is that too tight?  I don't have a lot of confidence trading these inverse etf's, especially the leveraged ones.  Thanks.


SPX RSI 2 reversion to mean system

Posted by frtaylor on 15th of Oct 2012 at 11:19 am

Thanks  Smile

XME: would like to buy some at some point

Posted by frtaylor on 11th of Oct 2012 at 11:05 am

Matt, would you (or Steve) be willing to do an analysis of XME?  I would like to buy some, but with gold at its highs and neg div on the gold daily MACD, I am waiting for a pullback in gold and XME.  One thing, the RSI 5 on the XME 60 minute chart is over 80 with this morning's move up.  I see a channel/bear flag developing on daily (see chart).  I can also draw a bear wedge on a 60 min chart, but not really enough touches (two on each side), so that's more speculative. TIA

currently 6.03.  Thinking I'll watch it on a 5 min chart and sell 1/3 this morning.  Here's a recent picture of me....

Sprint up! What to do w/ this long?

Posted by frtaylor on 11th of Oct 2012 at 08:13 am

Matt, Steve or anyone w/ more experience:  I own some Sprint (thank you Dan F.!) and it's up 18% pre-market on news (not rumour) that Japan's Softbank is seeking to buy 2/3 of the company.  Is this a "sell the news" event or is it more likely to hold onto these gains and remain strong?  I don't know what to think.  So, what typically happens to stock prices on such events?  Stop loss now at 5% above entry, i.e. 5.30.  Stock currently at 5.96.


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