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Stubbornly hanging on so far.

QQQ breaking down?

Posted by frtaylor on 1st of Jun 2021 at 01:00 pm

Stubbornly hanging on so far.

QQQ breaking down?

Posted by frtaylor on 1st of Jun 2021 at 12:16 pm

QQQ breaking down?

AAPL, tested and rejected at

Posted by frtaylor on 27th of May 2021 at 02:21 pm

AAPL, tested and rejected at the 50dma.  Now below the 20 and the 9 as well.

No love for BFI the last month or more. A big "M" pattern played out, with lows below the old support area around the $10.50 area. Price dipped well below that on May 12 - 21. Back above it for now, but that cut below may be revisited (and more). Your thoughts?

So much for rotating out of growth and into value.

AAPL coiling on the intraday

Posted by frtaylor on 26th of May 2021 at 01:09 pm

AAPL coiling on the intraday chart (60 min chart shown). The 20dma is overhead at 127.46.

SPX 15 minute chart showing

Posted by frtaylor on 21st of May 2021 at 02:44 pm

SPX 15 minute chart showing a possible Head and Shoulders.  Something to be mindful of anyway.   The neck line lines up with the 4152 Tick level exactly.   

ABNB - coiling on the

Posted by frtaylor on 20th of May 2021 at 12:16 pm

ABNB - coiling on the 15 minute chart

Man, the SPX has gone

Posted by frtaylor on 20th of May 2021 at 09:13 am

Man, the SPX has gone from a low of ~3230 last October (and again in Nov) to a high of ~4230 this month - that's a 31% gain in 7 months! (If only my account was up that much.)  

How often has something like that occurred, and what usually happens in the aftermath of those kinds of gains?  For that matter, it's been almost 100% gain since the low of March 2020.

Use the regular etf charts and watch for a candle reversal pattern on an intraday chart (doji, evening star, gravestone doji, bear wedge, higher high w/ divergence, etc.).  Watch for resistance on the regular etf charts. For example on DIA there is resistance around 341 and then 342.  I would not buy any SDOW, TZA etc. right now w/out a trigger and stop above the high before the trigger.

Maybe, but it's hitting support turned resistance (~230 on March 5th), looks like an ABC up on the hourly chart (A=220.32; B=212.17; C=231.85?), and also bear flag look on the daily. If it can break back above today's high that would be constructive.

Why did you choose SDOW vs. others (SPXU, SQQQ or TZA)? Thanks for the charts and triggers, etc., especially on gold/silver.

The best option is not to trade it, lol.  As Steve will tell you, it's a tough one.

Kudos! From a guy still

SPY System update

Posted by frtaylor on 14th of May 2021 at 06:18 pm

Kudos! From a guy still trying to do everything you just listed.

I plan on taking 1/2 of the SPY off and setting a stop at entry or higher (already sold my call).  But with the VIX giving a buy signal, I'll also be watching on Monday for an intraday TA pattern or candle setup to go long again with a 1/4 position (e.g. 2,500 of the orig. 10K SPY trade).  The VIX signal has been high probability in the past, so in combination with a pattern giving a tighter stop, it seems like a pretty safe plan.

SPY trade vs. VIX signal:

Posted by frtaylor on 14th of May 2021 at 11:45 am

SPY trade vs. VIX signal:  If SPY stays up we'll get a SPY System exit signal. But we'll also get a VIX buy signal confirmation candle.  Hmm, what to do.  Any thoughts welcome!

GDX coming down. Gap fill?

Posted by frtaylor on 14th of May 2021 at 10:43 am

GDX coming down. Gap fill? Bouncing off the trend line so far.

XAUMF - been a dog

Posted by frtaylor on 14th of May 2021 at 10:26 am

XAUMF - been a dog so far. Already bought and sold 1x for a loss, now looking at another loss.

look up the German word for snake (: o

VIX back inside the Bollinger

Posted by frtaylor on 13th of May 2021 at 04:10 pm

VIX back inside the Bollinger bands - buy signal.


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