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Then the bigger move should


Posted by dguerette on 26th of Jan 2010 at 01:16 pm

Then the bigger move should be down.Is that correct?


Posted by dguerette on 26th of Jan 2010 at 12:58 pm

BB over on 30 min and under on daily,which one do you go by

Im happy with 10 of

SRS swing #2

Posted by dguerette on 28th of Oct 2009 at 11:14 am

Im happy with 10 of 12 before the 6 straight loses,no wish to load up,been there,done that each time i waivered from the system i lost

Methinks we have all done that.Thats the way it starts.You guessed right.Next time it gets easier until you have it blow up.then you start second guessing yourself and the system.Dont try to fix it if it is not broke.Whenever i am tempted to change things on the system i say to myself "your the casino,the odds are in your favour"Their is a reason for  those rules IMHO.


You start with $10,000.At the 6th trade you are trading $640,000.Need deep pocket for that .

my entire weekend

my entire weekend

Posted by dguerette on 14th of Sep 2009 at 07:09 am

My entire weekend. Impressive using any number. If my math is righ works out to about 34% a trade ? You just keep booking the profits.Good luck cwa82675

Its weird .I watched Glenn Beck.Even he was going with the media number

Of about 100,000.Looking at it on TV (glenns show) it sure looked like more than

that. People wall to wall . Maybe he will correct it on monday.He usually gets his facts straight.Thanks for confirming my thoughts.Wont make a difference to mainstream media ,or congress. Dont confuse them with facts or the truth.All those people were dragged there screaming and


srs swing

Posted by dguerette on 21st of Aug 2009 at 02:51 pm




will this start a trend?


Worked for me on intra


Posted by dguerette on 23rd of Jul 2009 at 08:00 am

Worked for me on intra week update


srs system

Posted by dguerette on 16th of Jul 2009 at 01:13 pm



The familiar Nightmare

Posted by dguerette on 11th of Jul 2009 at 04:34 pm

Was it not the SEC that was responsible  to protect

us from Madoff? We need their advice???? I'll listen to Matt and Steve

every time.

I have been using inverse etf for all my mechanical trades for about 2 months now.The returns are comparable.Yesterday srs 15 min i had 2.4% vs 2.5% shorting srs.Part of the difference is slippage.Be sure to use the srs parameters or the ones Matt has given for each of the systems.Prior to using (ure to short srs,uyg to short skf,fas to short faz,sds to short sso) it was catch as catch can,out of lots of short trades. Now i get in every trade,much more profitable,less frustrating.I also find the trade confirmations are quicker.         Don


I dont agree. When i first joined the site it was a great help to be given a heads up.That does not mean i did not have my own charts nor that i relied only on others. I believe it is a disservice to the membership to discourage anyone from posting comments that could be helpfull.We are responsible for our trades and are free to accept or reject any help given.Keep on posting signals for the systems that are not limited to paying members.


Ill take a 3.2% return for 2/3 of a month anytime. We are getting spoiled.


SRS fifteen minute

Posted by dguerette on 29th of May 2009 at 08:03 am


I want to thank you for posting the srs 15 min chart with entry points on the intra week update.This gives those of us who are still trying to get our head around when to enter, a confirmation of whether or not we are correct . I am sure this will save a lot of Questions,well maybe.Newbe to the site,learning a lot,Thank to everyone.


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