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and at 34, and 32, and ...

the list of pundits is so long. But, that makes the market

The Fed!


Posted by dallahoo on 8th of Sep 2008 at 10:32 am

I love it when people are scared into doing strange things

short @ 31.40, cover 90% at 30, set stop above 30, I am done for today

DRI_15 min

if the Saudis get their way, they usually do, it won't happen

It may be pump and dump


Posted by dallahoo on 7th of Sep 2008 at 02:27 pm

matt said:

" delane - this is a technical analysis website, and we are as versed in fundamentals as much as you (especially Steve),"

but, I have failed to understand what fundamentals are behind Delane's bullish stand. My failure, I admit, delane, very sincere apologies. Now, since there are no chart reasons for a bullsih case, will you enlighten me with fundamental reasons why the bear is dead?

and, to save you some trouble:

I am not looking for analyst estimates: it's all regurgitated crap they copy from each other, and revise after the fact

I am aware of the yield curve, and it is not helping businesses since there is no money lent, and it is all there for banks to re-liquify, but have so much crap that it is taking longer than Fed-easury have imagined for them to clean shops, it's like trying to use regular, PH-neutral soap to clean decades of scum build up.

I am aware of election year patterns, and it may cause a bounce not a brand new bull

I am aware of all stops out at the fed-earury to prop the market, but frankly only the size of bailout gets bigger, and a new bull should not need late night, weekend meetings by banking and government officials, it should stand on its own 

I like nothing more than go oing long and forgetting about it, so, Delane, please, I am just looking for some genuine fundamental arguments why the bear is dead, and where the new bull is. 

Fed will bailout

Posted by dallahoo on 6th of Sep 2008 at 06:07 pm

I don't understand what the big excitement is for?

everybody knows fed-easury will bailout anybody on the correct side of the street, that is forgone conclusion, the market knows it, heck, even my aunt knows it, and the market expects it, and market gets it

let me be frank, I am all for government this and that on the back of future generations, I do not want to leave in 1929, period.

Fed-easury actions are not just because of Gross, when it comes to real big holders of crappy paper, China and Russia, Gross is as insignificant as a mosquito, a bit of noise, an annoying bite, abd that's it. i.e. if the bite is not extraordinarily infected

and I think Hank and Ben have done a master stroke breaking the commodity bull, it is a lesson to be learned not to take central bankers lightly when it comes to their viability and survival.

So if Gross is hurting with crappy paper, China and Russia are losing, too, and we can`t have that, can we?

now, if you are a short term trader, you see the 1220 pivot of SPX, you see extreme oversold on lower time frames, you see the hard bounce, and you have to lighten up

if you are more long term situated, it's a bear market by every technical measue known to me (I know very little as you can plainly see), it is spreading all over the world, you should welcome a bounce, if you are bearish, not fear it

Some say that US markets are played with by the PPT team, if that' true, and you can't handle it, short Europe, no PPT bounces there that I could have detected.

It is exactly the naive reactionary attitude that let outlets like CNBC instill fear and chop traders' capital

decide who you are, pay attention to the macro environment governing the markets, make bets accordingly, make bets like you know you'll lose it all, watch the charts, and turn off TV.

everybody and their cousin knows financials and housing are in doodoo, so guess what, they hold better than others, but new sectors start declines as old ones firm up, or stand pat, that is the characteristic of a bear market, identify those, and short those, if you believe this is a bear mrket

while everyone was busy shorting financials and housing, I bought a truck load of puts on BBH, guess what, that was one of the best performing trades of my life as a market participant, why did I go that way, I believe I have to short strength in a bear market, and BBH looked strong, but momentum was diminishing at that top, you can't let that go un-shorted in a bear market, similarly, you can't short everrybod else's short and expect instant gratification

Has CNBC ....

Posted by dallahoo on 5th of Sep 2008 at 03:51 pm

Has CNBC declared a reversal yet?

so gross, what a befitting name, is out asking for things to be done so that the average person is shielded from a depression? what a nice guy he is!

Papa Theresa maybe

They need to rinse the pubilc to get long

A transfer of wealth

I always ask, why would a guy like him should come and tell the world beneath something like that? What is his motive?

where is the money, and who is chasing it? and how am I being played for it?

THE FED IS SHORT  !!!!!!! well,

fed speak

Posted by dallahoo on 4th of Sep 2008 at 03:13 pm


well, with a balance sheet like theirs (long on junk short on substance), maybe they have to trade to make money - lol



Posted by dallahoo on 4th of Sep 2008 at 02:47 pm

I just realized my stop buy was hit, THANK YOU!


Posted by dallahoo on 4th of Sep 2008 at 11:54 am

WMT is up! looks like setting up an ending diagonal

Absolutely my good sir, that's why


Posted by dallahoo on 4th of Sep 2008 at 11:40 am

Absolutely my good sir,

that's why I said next, just keep an eye on the topping signs for us, please :-)

next big shortable asset class??


Posted by dallahoo on 4th of Sep 2008 at 11:30 am

next big shortable asset class??

Government the Pizza Owner, the

Smart Guy!

Posted by dallahoo on 4th of Sep 2008 at 10:07 am

Government the Pizza Owner, the tailor, the baker, the own-it-all?

 didn't the Soviet they try that already?

OK, thanks

live link on news letter charts

Posted by dallahoo on 4th of Sep 2008 at 01:06 am

OK, thanks

live link on news letter charts

Posted by dallahoo on 4th of Sep 2008 at 12:33 am

Is it possible to have a URL on the newsletter charts to get us to a live chart during the day - just like the active watch lists?

matt, I think as long as

Posted by dallahoo on 3rd of Sep 2008 at 01:26 pm


I think as long as the deflation mentality persists, they have an easy job to trade a range, say, e.g.  750-850 just cover down the range, and feed it up the range, and again, till the public gets it, and starts doing the same, and then the game changes, just a thought


Bears are going to have a hard time tomorrow

Posted by dallahoo on 2nd of Sep 2008 at 04:06 pm



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